


越南發現印度變種病毒擁有原屬於英國變種的特性。(it is an Indian variant with mutations that originally belong to the U.K. variant.)
此病毒造成更易傳播的新疫情,特別是透過空氣。(the coronavirus responsible for the new wave is much more transmissible, especially in the air)

警局滅證》蘇揆:徹查到底、嚴以追究給社會一個交代    自由 20210429

Vietnam discovers new coronavirus variant with UK, Indian mutations    VN Express 20210529

Vietnam has detected a coronavirus hybrid variant with characteristics from the existing Indian and U.K. variants, the Ministry of Health announced Saturday.

Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said genetic sequencing on several Covid-19 patients in Vietnam have revealed the presence of two common coronavirus variants: one first discovered in the U.K. and the other from India.

The U.K. variant is believed to be more transmissible than ordinary strains, while the Indian variant is both more transmissible and potentially less susceptible to neutralizing antibodies of the immune system, experts said.

But a new coronavirus variant has recently been detected in Vietnam with characteristics from both the U.K. and the Indian variants. More specifically, it is an Indian variant with mutations that originally belong to the U.K. variant.

"The Ministry of Health would announce the new coronavirus variant on the global genome map," said Long, adding that the new variant has yet to be named.

Vietnam's latest coronavirus wave since about a month ago has seen 3,595 local Covid-19 cases so far in 33 cities and provinces. Bac Giang still leads the number of coronavirus infections at 1,881, followed by neighbor Bac Ninh at 736.

Long said the coronavirus responsible for the new wave is much more transmissible, especially in the air. Viral cultures in the laboratory revealed that the virus replicated itself very quickly, he added, explaining why there are so many new cases in different locations in a shorter time frame.

So far, Vietnam has recorded the presence of seven coronavirus variants, including ones from the U.K, India and South Africa.


