Beijing is now establishing leased
territories all over the world. China
now has become one of the empirical powers, which invade small countries. Beijing is going to create new frontiers as
the Japanese military has done in the 1940s.
Daru Island is a port of Papua New Guinea's marine cable, which allows
connecting to Australia.
And the country with less financial ability will be bankrupt when it received
huge investments or foreign aids.
Beijing will occupy Daru island in few years.
中企擬在巴紐外島建城 踏足澳洲後院引發關注 中央社 20210208
澳洲廣播公司(ABC)報導,根據外洩的文件,在香港註冊的WYW控股計畫在巴布亞紐幾內亞西部省的達魯島(Daru)建立「新達魯市」(New Daru
英國「每日郵報」(The Daily Mail)也報導,這項計畫將耗資39億澳幣(台幣約838億元)。報導並指出,在中澳關係持續惡化之際,中國想插旗澳洲後花園,令人擔心可能別有用心,或許秘密計畫在當地設立海軍基地。
英國「衛報」(The Guardian)則指出,巴布亞紐幾內亞的西部省雖地處邊陲,但達魯島距澳洲外島薩拜島(Saibai Island)僅50公里,離澳洲本土也不到200 公里,因此此事在澳洲引發安全顧慮。
澳洲內政部長杜登(Peter Dutton)表示,他亟盼與巴布亞紐幾內亞政府討論此事。他並強調澳洲與馬拉普和巴紐政府都關係極為密切。
PNG DataCo
Says Cable Landing Station Approaches Completion Submarine Telecom Forum 20200209
DataCo of Papua New Guinea (PNG) said its cable
landing station in Daru is nearing completion and awaiting the
submarine cable to connect Port Moresby to Kerema and Daru, The National
reported. The housing of the landing
station in Daru is completed and the contractor, Associated Builders and
Contractors, has started digging the 1.2 km ditch to the seafront along the
north cost of Daru Island, to draw in the cables to the landing station.
The landing station is built within the National Broadcasting Corporation
premises. According to the contractor, work is expected to end by March. Cable landing stations in other centres such
as Kerema, Madang, Wewak and Vanimo are completed. The Coral Sea
cabling system or Kumul submarine cable network is Dataco’s fibre
cable, which is expected to allow fast and stable internet connectivity once it
is switched on this year.
DataCo, the information technology company owned
by the government, is on an ambitious drive to connect internet from Australia to Papua New Guinea through
fibre or cable. Currently, PNG is using
airwave internet connectivity.