

Kelly Craft在台美日「全球合作暨訓練架構」(GCTF)的演講。


在台美日三國舉辦「全球合作暨訓練架構」(GCTF)的場合,Kelly Craft

The world needs Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations system, particularly with respect to matters that affect public health and economic development.  A United Nations without Taiwan’s full participation is cheating the world.(世界需要台灣完整參與聯合國體系

在這裡Kelly Craft強調公部門與私部門的合作(以台灣口罩為例)的模式,是對應挑戰的模式。這倒是值得想一下。

Remarks at a Global Cooperation and Training Framework Event on Advancing International Development through Public-Private Partnerships (via VTC)    Ambassador Kelly CraftU.S. Mission to the United Nations 20200929


Thank you, and good evening from New York City.

Beginning with a surprise call to your President Tsai in December 2016, President Trump has reoriented America’s approach to the People’s Republic.  There is no greater measure of fellowship than gathering to discuss concrete means, in which Taiwan and its partners such as the US, can collaborate for democracy and a better world.

I applaud the American Institute of Taiwan and the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office for doing just that.  Bringing us all together.

Taiwan has a trusted friend in President Donald J. Trump, and an administration that champions the international role that Taiwan holds.  That’s why the Trump Administration is partnering with Taiwan and Japan on the Global Cooperation and Training Framework.  Taiwan deserves the highest platform where it can share its remarkable innovation and expertise in data science, in medical technology, and in cutting-edge communications.

As all of us gathered here today know, Taiwan and its government defend human rights and practice democracy.  Taiwan is one of the world’s strongest economies, and is widely respected for its commitment to education, health, and civil liberties.  Taiwan is a force for good for the world.  The world needs Taiwan’s full participation in the United Nations system, particularly with respect to matters that affect public health and economic development.  A United Nations without Taiwan’s full participation is cheating the world.

The Communist Party of China, fearful of a free and open society, makes every effort to suppress Taiwan’s international profile.  This became abundantly clear with the coronavirus, a life and death matter.  When Beijing blocked Taipei’s attempt to warn the world that COVID-19 spreads from human to human contact.  We all need Taiwan’s expertise and experience.

Public-private partnerships are crucial to addressing global challenges.  That includes global health issues, where government initiatives alone simply cannot match the need.  Take Taiwan’s national face mask production team: this emergency collaboration between the government, private sector technicians, and factory managers response to the urgent need for face masks by combining expertise, speedy approvals, and injecting needed capital.  Within weeks, this partnership increased Taiwan’s productivity from two million masks a day to nearly 20 million, contributing to Taiwan’s successful containment of the virus.

As a strong supporter of public-private partnerships, I push for this at the United Nations.  We need the private and public sector working together on solutions on our most pressing challenges.

This forum has brought together some of the brightest minds from Japan, Taiwan, and the United States to share ideas of how to improve the lives of our respective peoples and nations around the world.  Our partnership will prove invaluable for generations to come, here is to our success, so let’s get started.

Thank you very much.





日期:2020/09/30    資料來源:國際組織司



為彰顯台灣協助開發中夥伴推動永續發展的努力與成效,台灣、美國及日本首度在聯合國大會期間共同舉辦「透過公私夥伴關係促進國際發展」視訊工作坊(vGCTF on Advancing International Development through Public Private Partnership),分享透過公私協作達成聯合國「永續發展目標」(SDGs)的經驗與成果,獲得熱烈迴響。 

外交部長吳釗燮、美國在台協會台北辦事處(AIT/T)處長酈英傑(Brent Christensen)、美國駐聯合國常任代表Kelly Craft大使及日本台灣交流協會台北事務所副代表橫地晃(Akira Yokochi)均連線致詞,肯定共同舉辦公私夥伴的GCTF工作坊深具意義。 


這項「全球合作暨訓練架構」(GCTF)工作坊於台北時間 930日上午舉行,共有逾20個國家、逾百位官員及學者專家參加,講者包括:美國國務院全球夥伴辦公室執行主任Thomas Debass、我APEC企業諮詢委員會(ABAC)代表廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵博士、外交部北美司徐司長佑典等人,主持人由AIT/T經濟組副組長邵藹帝(Arati Shroff)擔任。 

台美GCTF合作平台於2015年成立來已舉辦26場國際研習營,邀請來自53個國家,超過850位相關領域的政府官員及專家與會,成果豐碩。外交部感謝美國、 日本、我友邦及理念相近國家參與工作坊,未來將與國內相關機關持續合作推動公私協作,並與更多全球夥伴進行交流與合作,共同致力達成聯合國永續發展目標。(E



