



這顆星成為「矮子金門」星Kinman Dwarf,有趣!




我的猜想:PHL293B命運,可能與VULCAN很像:以the red matter在行星中央製造黑洞。或是被中共貪污掉了—既然他們可以管全地球人,沒有理由不能管全宇宙!



巨大恆星神祕消失 國內外天文迷掀熱議!    YAHOO 20200701



據國外網站報導,這顆巨大恆星10年前發出的光線(據估計比太陽大約100倍、亮度更是250萬倍)照亮了金曼矮人(Kinman Dwarf)星系,但昨發表在《皇家天文學會月報》的一份研究卻揭露當科學家去年夏天重新審視時卻發現其光芒熄滅了,都柏林三一學院博士生安德魯.艾倫(Andrew Allan)與同事去年8月在智利以超大型望遠鏡對該恆星進行成像時,證實了最初的觀察並非偶然恆星因某種未知原因褪色,更奇怪的是也無超新星因大質量爆炸輻射性死亡的跡象,「若恆星活著,我們可能正在目睹其巨大的衰老爆發後果,這些爆發可能將其包裹在使光線昏暗的塵埃雲中,若恆星死亡,它可能會坍塌成一個黑洞而不會產生超新星」。





Kinman Dwarf, the giant star from PHL293B galaxy had vanished without a trace    BRUMPOST 20200701

Two hypotheses about the sudden disappearance is either the star had been swallowed by a massive black hole or it's light is dim and couldn't be reached by the telescope used by scientists


While what is out there is still a big mystery for us Earthlings as the entire universe is left unprobed just yet, one of the few discovery which of course is of a giant star which is said to be 100 times bigger than our sun would definitely be an interesting discovery right but one interesting thing is that the star called Kinman Dwarf had somehow disappeared without a single trace and there seems to be no well defined explanation for why that is the case.


In new study which was published in the Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society yesterday, Astronomers checked the star which was named Kinman Dwarf in the galaxy PHL 293B that is 75 million light years away from earth.


What these scientists were learning was more about the low-metallicity environment of the PHL 293B galaxy and had expected to see Kinman Dwarf star shining away which instead, the star couldn’t be found as it has vanished out of their sight without a single trace.


Vanished as in it’s no longer giving light in it’s galaxy whatsoever.  While the giant star was recently discovered as recently as 2011 when a team of scientists used the Espresso instrument at Chile’s Very Lager Telescope, the location of the star couldn’t be found just any longer which was absurd.


Usually, most stars are usually the life-line of their galaxy whereby giving life to their planets which includes orbiting just as with the case of earth and the other 7 planets in our solar systems around the sun.  While the destruction of stars would also take billions of yeas before they eventually run out of fuel, the sudden vanishing of the Kinman Dwarf is just amazing and scientists aren’t able to explain the cause.


Aside disappearing, there is also no evidence where the star had gone which is part of what is so amazingly interesting about the new discovery.  But as usual, scientists are left with the questioning “what happened to the giant star?”


There have been two hypotheses drawn about the issue of the Kinman Dwarf.  The first being the star is still where it is but it’s light is much more dim and it’s obscured by a dusty cloud of debris or the second hypotheses being that the star “collapsed to a massive black hole without the production of a bright supernova.


Either way, the implications for such an unexpected absence are far-reaching — especially when you consider whether this could occur more frequently.


As the report states: “Given that the majority of such events in deep surveys will be much fainter than PHL 293B and located much farther, a detailed analysis of this object in the local Universe provides an important benchmark for understanding the late-time evolution of massive stars in low-metallicity environments and their remnants.”


Andrew Allan who is the study’s lead author in a statement reached out by Vice said that the astronomers plan to examine the Kinman Dwarf star using the Hubble Space Telescope in an attempt to find any evidence of the star’s demise as nothing much is just known yet about the vanished monstrous star.


“Just by comparing a before and after picture of the galaxy, we’d hopefully be able to pick out, first of all, the star itself, and then maybe what happened to the star and why it disappeared,” he said.


1 則留言:

  1. WOW, 歎為觀止!那個甜甜圈非常明顯!真的太神奇了。


