







人員貨物交流 恐加速脫鉤 16日起擬禁陸航班    中時 20200604










DOT Statement on order suspending the scheduled passenger flights of Chinese carriers to and from the United States    MOT 20200603

Today the U.S. Department of Transportation issued an order suspending the scheduled passenger flights of Chinese carriers to and from the United States, effective by June 16, 2020.


This action responds to the failure of the Government of the People’s Republic of China to permit U.S. carriers to exercise their bilateral rights to conduct passenger air service to China.  Currently, four Chinese carriers and no U.S. carriers operate scheduled passenger flights between the United States and China.  U.S. carriers have asked to resume passenger service, beginning June 1st.  The Chinese government’s failure to approve their requests is a violation of our Air Transport Agreement.


The Department will continue to engage our Chinese counterparts so both U.S. and Chinese carriers can fully exercise their bilateral rights.  In the meantime, we will allow Chinese carriers to operate the same number of scheduled passenger flights as the Chinese government allows ours.


The action may go into effect before June 16th, if the President so orders.

A copy of the order may be viewed here.



China’s aviation authority to allow more foreign flights after the U.S. bans Chinese carriers    CNBC 20200604

  • China’s aviation authority said Thursday it would allow all foreign airlines to choose from a list of approved cities to operate one international passenger flight a week beginning June 8.
  • The online statement came about 12 hours after the U.S. Trump administration issued an order to suspend Chinese passenger airlines from flying to the U.S. beginning June 16, with the option to take effect earlier.
  • The Civil Aviation Administration of China did not directly refer to the U.S. actions in its statement.


China’s aviation authority said Thursday that it would allow foreign airlines to increase flights between the country and other regions from June 8.


The online statement came about 12 hours after President Donald Trump’s administration issued an order to suspend Chinese passenger airlines from flying to the U.S. beginning June 16, with the option to take effect earlier.


The Civil Aviation Administration of China did not directly refer to the U.S. actions in its statement. The new Chinese policy would allow all foreign airlines to choose from a list of approved cities to operate one international passenger flight a week.


If a flight’s passengers test negative for the virus for three consecutive weeks, the airline will be able to add one additional fight per week, the aviation authority said.  If five or more passengers test positive for the virus, the airline must suspend the flight for a week, according to the statement.


China’s aviation authority did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment about the U.S. order.


Shares of Air China and Hainan Airlines fell nearly 2% in morning trading on the mainland, while China Southern shares traded 0.4% lower. However, China Eastern shares rose about half a percent.


All four airlines were mentioned in the U.S. Department of Transportation order that called for the suspension of their flights to the U.S. Other entities mentioned included Xiamen Airlines and Sichuan Airlines.


Global aviation traffic has plunged in the last several months as governments imposed lockdowns and stay-home orders to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  Officially called Covid-19, the disease first emerged late last year in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has since infected more than 6.4 million people worldwide and killed over 385,000.


By March 12, U.S. airlines had stopped passenger services to and from China, while Chinese carriers maintained some flights, the U.S. order said.  The document added that at the beginning of May, U.S. carriers United Airlines and Delta had applied to China’s aviation authority to resume flights to the country in early June, but did not receive approval.


The order made it clear that the U.S. would not approve Chinese charter flights that have become an increasingly common way for Chinese nationals to return to their home country.

— CNBC’s Iris Wang contributed to this report.

1 則留言:

  1. 美國昨天禁止中國籍的班機飛美,然而,美國有必要延長開放航班的時間,很多這次騷亂的煽動者可能正在準備出境了.


