

〈COVID-19武漢肺炎問責法〉簡介 Taimocracy翻譯


The COVID-19 Accountability Act
武漢肺炎問責法簡介 Taimocracy翻譯

U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) offer the COVID-19 Accountability Act that would authorize the President to impose sanctions on the People’s Republic of China if China fails to cooperate and provide a full accounting of the events leading up to the outbreak of COVID-19.
美國參議員Lindsey Graham(共和黨),Thom Tillis(共和黨),Cindy Hyde-Smith(共和黨),Mike Braun(共和黨)和Rick Scott(共和黨)共同提出〈COVID-19問責法案〉,授權總統在中國不合作時與不提供導致COVID-19全球爆發事件的完全責任時,對中華人民共和國實施制裁。

Specifically, the legislation requires the President to make a certification to Congress within 60 days of enactment that the People’s Republic of China has:

1. Provided a full and complete accounting to any COVID-19 related investigation led by the United States, its allies, or UN affiliate (World Health Organization); and
1. 對由美國,其盟國或聯合國附屬機構(世界衛生組織)進行的任何與武漢肺炎相關的調查提供完全和完整的責任;和

2. Closed all operating wet markets that have a potential to expose humans to health risks through the introduction of zoonotic disease into the human population.
2. 關閉所有可能透過將人畜共通疾病引入人群,使人類面臨健康風險的野生動物(濕)市場。

3. Released all pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong that were arrested in the post COVID-19 crackdowns
3. 釋放所有在COVID-19後鎮壓行動被捕的香港民主運動者

If that certification is not made, the bill authorizes the President to impose at least two of the following sanctions immediately:
       Asset freeze on certain Chinese officials

       Travel ban and visa revocation on certain Chinese officials

Ban on the issuance of student visas to Chinese nationals

       Prohibition on any United States financial institutions from making loans or underwriting any Chinese controlled or directed entity unless the entity is engaged in activities to relieve human suffering and the loans or credits are provided for such activities

       Opposition to any loan from the international financial institution that would benefit any Chinese controlled or directed entity

       Prohibits entities with Chinese majority joint ownership or control from listing securities on a national securities exchange

Sanctions will remain in place until the President provides a certification that China has fully and completely cooperated with investigations into the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and that the wet markets have closed.

Additionally, the legislation: 此外,立法要求:
Requires the FDA, within six months, to investigate and certify to Congress whether the Chinese pharmaceutical industry is being regulated for safety, either by Chinese authorities or the FDA, to substantially the same degree as U.S. drug manufacturers and, if the FDA cannot so certify, forward to Congress a plan for protecting the American people from un-safe or contaminated drugs manufactured in China

       Provides an expansion of the research and development tax credit to incentivize innovation and commercial development of goods in the United States, particularly where the People’s Republic of China threatens the technological leadership of the United States

       Requires buy America for procurements related to the Strategic National Stockpile with standard waiver authority for the HHS Secretary

       Includes the text of S.249 which calls upon the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain Taiwan observer status at the World Health Organization

2 則留言:

  1. 不知道制裁這有沒有包括在美國境內的中資公司、媒體?

    1. 美國有這種法律,但先決條件不是「疫情」


