


In Prof. Lin Ting-hui’s interview, he indicated that the move of AIT’s posted a statement of the Department of State, meaning AIT is a de facto Embassy.

What Lin referred was the DoS's statement on April 6, in which the U.S. protested China’s government ship sink a Vietnamese fishing vessel around the Paracel Islands, South China Sea.

Lin did not explain why he concluded as such. 

Comparing the fact that no such posts in the social media of the Consulate-Generals in China and HK/Macao, except the U.S. Embassy to China, represent that Taipei and Beijing share identical status that is entitled to deal with political issues.

美國國務院發言人摩根·奧塔格斯(Morgan Ortagus)於46日發布聲明表示:

据报道中华人民共和国在南中国海帕拉塞尔群岛(Paracel Islands)附近撞沉一艘越南渔船。我们对此表示严重关注。
自全球疫情爆发以来,北京还宣布在永暑礁(Fiery Cross Reef)和渚碧礁(Subi Reef)建立的军事基地上启用新的研究站,并派特种军用飞机在永暑礁降落。中华人民共和国还继续在斯普拉特利群島(Spratly Islands)周围部署海上民兵。20167月,中国的九段线(Nine-Dashed Line)被根据1982年海洋法公约(Law of the Sea Convention)建立的仲裁法庭认定属于非法海事索求。美国对此采取同样立场。

U.S. Department of State Office of the Spokesperson released a statement on April 6:
PRC’s Reported Sinking of a Vietnamese Fishing Vessel in the South China Sea.
We are seriously concerned by reports of the PRC’s sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the vicinity of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. This incident is the latest in a long string of PRC actions to assert unlawful maritime claims and disadvantage its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South China Sea. Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, Beijing has also announced new “research stations” on military bases it built on Fiery Cross Reef and Subi Reef, and landed special military aircraft on Fiery Cross Reef. The PRC has also continued to deploy maritime militia around the Spratly Islands. China’s Nine-Dashed Line was deemed an unlawful maritime claim by an arbitral tribunal convened under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention in July 2016, a position shared by the U.S. Government. We call on the PRC to remain focused on supporting international efforts to combat the global pandemic, and to stop exploiting the distraction or vulnerability of other states to expand its unlawful claims in the South China Sea.


