

杜特蒂報復美國 中止與美軍協定 蘋果20020212

The keywords such as notify, intent, terminate, treaty alliance, etc. might give us a clue.

This decision of the termination of the alliance was made by President Duterte, whose Minister of Foreign Affairs opposed it, and his military staffs have not responded yet, meaning it might be a personal decision making.

This termination has room to get fixed in the next 180 days after the receiving of the notice by the U.S. 

However, we have to link the termination and the Wuhan Coronavirus and find any possibility of Beijing's intention to distract the energy of the U.S. from the pandemic.

杜特蒂報復美國 中止與美軍協定    蘋果20020212

菲律賓總統杜特蒂(Rodrigo Duterte)下令中止1998年生效的《訪問部隊協議》(Visiting Forces AgreementVFAVFA是美軍駐菲的法律框架,支持者指其可鞏固菲國國防,反對者則批評它給美軍特權。沒有VFA,規定兩國每年要進行數十次聯合軍演2014年《增強防務合作協議》(EDCA)及保證互助防衛的1951年《美菲聯防條約》,也會形同虛設

通知後180,菲律賓才會正式退出VFA,這期間雙方理論上可靠談判挽救協議,但杜特蒂的發言人帕內洛(Salvador Panelo)指,杜特蒂不會理會華府任何拯救VFA的提議,他表示杜特蒂稱,「是我們仰賴自己的時候了,要強化自己的國防,不要依賴任何國家。」



Philippine leader terminates troop agreement with U.S.    Japan Times 20020211
The Philippines on Tuesday notified the United States of its intent to terminate a major security pact allowing American forces to train in the country in the most serious threat to the countries’ treaty alliance under President Rodrigo Duterte.

Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. said in a tweet Manila’s notice of termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement was received by the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Manila. He refused to provide other details on the drastic step “as a diplomatic courtesy.”

Locsin signed the notice on orders of Duterte, who has often criticized U.S. security policies while praising those of China and Russia despite the Philippine military’s close historic ties with its American counterpart.

“Trump, and the others, are trying to save the Visiting Forces Agreement. I said, I don’t want it,” Duterte said according to the official transcript of a speech in Manila on Monday night.

The Philippines’ leader has previously questioned whether the U.S. would defend the Philippines if China seizes disputed shoals and reefs in the South China Sea — skepticism that has persisted in the Southeast Asian nation for decades. Beijing has built several artificial structure in the Spratly Islands where Manila also has claims. Philippine fishermen and vessels resupplying Philippine-occupied features in the waters have also been harassed by Chinese ships.

Defense ties between the Philippines and former colonial ruler the United States go back to the early 1950s and are governed by a Mutual Defence Treaty, which remains intact, along with an Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement made under the Obama administration.

Duterte made the decision after the top commander of his war on drugs, former police chief Ronald dela Rosa, said his U.S. visa had been rescinded over an issue related to the detention of a senator and top critic of Duterte.

The VFA, signed in 1998, accords legal status to thousands of U.S. troops rotated in the country for humanitarian assistance and military exercises, dozens of which take place annually.

It is the first time Duterte has scrapped an agreement with the United States, having throughout his more than three years in office denounced Washington for hypocrisy and for treating the Philippines “like a dog on a leash.”

Despite reassurances from his generals, Duterte has long accused U.S. forces of conducting clandestine activities. In his speech on Monday, he said U.S. nuclear weapons were being stored in his country.

He has argued that the presence of U.S. forces makes the Philippines a potential target for aggression.

In a Senate hearing last week, Locsin warned that abrogating the security accord with Washington would undermine Philippine security and foster aggression in the disputed South China Sea. U.S. military presence in the strategic waterway has been seen as a crucial counterweight to China, which has claimed virtually the entire sea.

Locsin proposed a review of the agreement to fix contentious issues instead of abrogating it.  Philippine defense and military officials did not immediately issue any reaction to the government move.

The termination of the 1999 agreement would take effect 180 days after Washington received Manila’s notice but both could decide to keep the pact during the waiting period, Philippine officials said.

4 則留言:

  1. 武器改向中國、額螺絲購買。

  2. https://iseilio-blog.tumblr.com/post/179666363457/沖繩-人口數-成長-or-蕭條

    1. 多謝分享






    2. 韓國在島鏈的末端,尤其它和日本是宿敵。倒是上方有同文同種的朝鮮,不如令其自行發展,或許南北統一了,也是一個獨立國家。照說傾共,也就只會在蘇聯與中國兩邊卡油。這個前提是在韓國與台灣二選一。一直就是台灣、日本最重要。不談現在,戰後如果台灣就落入中共手裡,大概連日本都早就去中國稱臣納貢了。因為島鏈破了一個大洞。不知對否。

