

絕無僅有:來自AIT與US Joint Staff的哀悼


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美國參謀長聯席會議主席馬克·麥利(Mark A. Milley)發表聲明悼念台灣參謀總長沈一鳴:

Statement by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley on the death of Taiwan Chief of General Staff General Shen I-Ming:
"On behalf of the men and women of the United States Military, I want to send our condolences to members of the Taiwan military on the tragic loss of General Shen and the seven other victims in a helicopter accident. General Shen will be remembered as an exceptional leader to his people and a champion for Taiwan's defense and regional security. We are grateful for the service he rendered so selflessly and cherish our friendship and strong defense relations with Taiwan."

1 則留言:

  1. 轉貼轉換跑道的前外交官,護國胖犬的文章,從美國 AIT 酈處長,與美國參謀長聯席會議主席馬克麥利,兩位個別的悼文,解讀言外之意。
    黑鷹墜機悲劇 前外交官解讀 美國聲明的最後一句話 是寫給習近平看的

