

委內瑞拉黃金爭奪戰:Nicolas Maduro vs. Juan Guaido

It is the privilege of the legitimate government to utilize the reserve gold of a state.  Some, not all, was kept in BIS, the Bank of International Settlement, the former body of which was a committee of the Allied Powers to manage the reparation of Germany as well as the Central Powers of WWI.  So we can see how the diplomatic recognition, especially that from the US and UK besides France, Germany, Japan, matters.

The original mission of BIS was nearly over and the power was transferred to the FED New York.  Now BIS serves as the hub of central banks balancing the trade of international community.

Under the Royal Charter of 1694, signed by King William III, explained that the Bank was founded to promote the public Good and Benefit of our People, the Bank of England was founded as a private bank to act as banker to the Government.  This private bank serves as the UKs central bank today and keeps many gold bars with earmark from several countries and private customers around the world.

It is still unclear to know the essences of the gold in BIS and in the Bank of Englsnd.

OK, it is very interesting to study what the gold of China under the control of CKS flew.  What really happened in and out 1949, in terms of gold and financial assets.  That is the genuine Dark World we do not know.

馬杜羅企圖提12億美元黃金 英國央行拒絕    20190116
委內瑞拉目前政局動盪,知情人士透露,四面楚歌的尼古拉斯·馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)試圖從英格蘭銀行(Bank of England)提走價值12億美元黃金,但未能如願。

據彭博新聞社(bloomberg125日報導,一位不願透露姓名的知情人士透露,包括美國國務卿邁克爾·蓬佩奧(Michael Pompeo)和國家安全顧問約翰·博爾頓(John Bolton)在內的美國高級官員都已遊說英國同行,要求他們幫助切斷馬杜羅政權的海外資產,隨後,英國央行決定拒絕馬杜羅官員提取黃金的請求。

週三(123日),英國繼美國和其它國家之後,承認反對派領袖胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)為委內瑞拉的合法總統。馬杜羅被認為是一位獨裁統治者,使委內瑞拉陷入經濟混亂局面,但他仍拒絕放棄權力,並得到軍方支持




數週以來,從英格蘭銀行取回黃金一直是馬杜羅政權的首要任務。據兩名知情人士透露,早在去年12月中旬,委內瑞拉央行行長卡利克斯托·奧爾特加(Calixto Ortega)就率領一個代表團前往倫敦,試圖獲取這些黃金。




