


Organizations that can reasonably be considered part of United Front activities, include (official English translations where available):
American-Chinese Commerce Development Association (美国华人工商业联合会);

America-China Enterprise Chamber of Commerce (美中企业总商会);
China Enterprise Council (洛杉矶中资企业协会);
American Chinese National Chamber of Commerce (美国华人总商会);
American One Belt, One Road Chamber of Commerce (美国一带一路总商会);
America Beijing Chamber of Commerce (美国北京总商会);
US Hebei Chamber of Commerce (美国河北总会上);
Chongqing-Sichuan Chamber of Commerce (庆穿渝同乡总商会);
American Fujianese Business Association (美国福建商会);
US-China Guangdong Chamber of Commerce (每中广东商会);
US California-Hebei Chamber of Commerce (美国加州河北商会);
US-China Chamber of Commerce (美国总商会);
US-Henan Business Alliance Association (美国河南联合总商会);
US-Inner Mongolia Chamber of Commerce (美国内蒙古总商会);
US-Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce (美国江苏总商会);
US-Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce (美国江西总商会);
US-Macau Chamber of Commerce (美国澳门总商会);
US-Minjiang Chamber of Commerce (美国闽江总商会);
US-Northwest China Chamber of Commerce (美国大西北总商会);
American Shandong Chamber of Commerce (美国山东总商会);
US-Shanghai Chamber of Commerce (美国上海总商会);
US-Shanxi Chamber of Commerce (美国山西总商会);
US-Shanxi Jin Chamber of Commerce (美国山西晋商会);
Eastern US-Shenzhen Chamber of Commerce (美国东深圳总商会);
US-Tianjin Chamber of Commerce (美国天津总商会); US Silicon Valley - Tianjin Chamber of Commerce (美国硅谷天津总商会); Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Washington State (华盛顿州中国总商会); US-Wenzhou General Chamber of Commerce (美国温州总商会);
Chamber Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce USA (美国浙江商会) [San Francisco]; and
US-Zhejiang General Chamber of Commerce (全美浙江总商会) [Los Angeles];
Los Angeles Hunan Chamber of Commerce (洛杉矶湖南总商会),
likely rebranded from US-Changsha Chamber of Commerce (美国长沙总商会).

“Chinese Influence & American Interests – PROMOTING CONSTRUCTIVE VIGILANCE”
Report of the Working Group on Chinese Influence Activities in the United States

Larry Diamond
Senior Fellow The Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Orville Schell
Arthur Ross Director
Center on US-China Relations
Asia Society


