

姜皇池/從克赤海峽事件看台灣海峽 自由 20181203

1.  商船和軍艦,以及懸掛俄羅斯聯邦或烏克蘭國旗的其他國家船舶,為非商業目的而經營,享有亞速海和刻赤海峽的航行自由。
1. Merchant ships and warships, as well as other state ships flying the flag of the Russian Federation or Ukraine, operated for non-commercial purposes, enjoy freedom of navigation in the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait.

The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the sea of Azov and the strait of Kerch on 28 January 2003.
The Parties, proceeding from the necessity of conservation of the Azov-Kerch defined area of water as integral economic and natural complex, to be used in the interests of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine, have agreed as follows:

  1. The Sea of Azov and the Strait of Kerch are historically internal waters of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine.
  2. The Sea of Azov must be delimited by the state border in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Parties.
  3. Dispute settlement regarding the issues pertaining to the defined area of water of Kerch must be regulated by agreement between the Parties.
  4. Mercantile vessels and other state non-commercial vessels flying the flags of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine have free navigation in the sea of Azov and the strait of Kerch.
  5. Russian-Ukrainian cooperation in the spheres of navigation, fisheries, protection of marine environment, ecological safety and life-saving in the sea of Azov and the strait of Kerch must be implemented on the basis of existing international agreements and by conclusion, in respective cases, of the new ones.[1]

姜皇池/從克赤海峽事件看台灣海峽    自由 20181203
事件源於三艘烏克蘭軍艦,預計由「黑海」通過「克赤海峽」進入「亞速海」(Sea of Azov),然而俄羅斯方指謫該等軍艦違反相關通過規定,扣留全部船舶與船員。除兩國間緊張局勢外,本案更因軍艦的特殊性,備受關注,特別是軍艦乃舉世公認屬於國家主權象徵,享絕對豁免權,在和平時期,不論在任何狀況下,都不能受他國控制。

總長約四十公里克的克赤海峽,是南北向海峽,且是亞速海與黑海間的唯一航道,海峽以西為克里米亞,以東則為「塔曼半島」(Taman Peninsula)。一九九一年蘇聯解體前,由於包括克里米亞在內之烏克蘭均屬於蘇聯領土,等同於環亞速海之領土全屬蘇聯所有,因此亞速海與克赤海峽都是蘇聯的內水。蘇聯解體後,連同克里米亞地區在內的烏克蘭成為獨立國家,如何解決與定性亞速海與克赤海峽,成為難解的問題之一。二○○三年俄羅斯與烏克蘭簽訂雙邊協議,就部分問題取得共識,雙方除再主張並確認亞速海與克赤海峽是兩國內水外,更規定雙方的船舶均得自由航行






