



法國海外屬地新喀里多尼亞(New Caledonia)舉行獨立公投。正如預期,多數人決定留在法國,仍維持法國海外特殊集合體(Special Collectivity)地位。
New Caledonia, a French overseas territory, held independence referendum on November 4, 2018.  As the poll indicated, most of the people voted to stay as Special Collectivity of the Fifth Republic.

The people of the dependent territories, or the colonies, tend to regard the rule of the administering authority over the territories is nothing but the exploitation the labor forces and the natural resources.  After the end of WWII, amid the evolution of economy and civil rights, de-colonization movement happened everywhere in the world.

喀里多尼亞有豐富鎳礦,1853年後被法國合併,成為法國資產卻也是本地人之痛。經1980年代長期動亂後,法國與當地統獨各派於1988105日簽署〈馬提尼翁協議〉(the Matignon Accord):設立10年發展期,期間不提獨立,但可作為觀察員加入國際和區域組織。法國允許喀里多尼亞1998年公投。
Having rich nickel resources, some 1/4 of the known reserves of the world, Caledonia was annexed by France in 1853.  It became an asset of France as well as Europeans, but the pain of the Kanaks, the indigenous people.  After the long riots in 1980s, France and the communities on Caledonia, pro-independence and anti-independence reached an agreement, the Matignon Accord, on October 5, 1988.  The agreement set a ten-year development period; no parties were allowed to agitate independence or otherwise during the period; Caledonia was granted the status to attend the international or regional organizations as an observer.  In the agreement France granted Caledonia a referendum in 1998.

199855日三方再簽署〈努梅阿協議〉(the Nouméa Accord)確立:20年過渡期與2018年的公投。管理國的授權至關重要,為此,法國國會有後續立法,包括:結束法國海外領土地位,並創造共享主權的「新喀里多尼亞」地位與「新公民」身份;行政權力從巴黎「不可逆轉的轉移」到地方當局,建立新喀里多尼亞的新國會等。
The three parties concluded the Nouméa Accord on 5 May 1998, in which it set a 20-years transitional period and the referendum on 2018.  The transfer of power in the process was critically important.  The “Parlement français” passed laws to meet the Accord, including the constitutional changes to New Caledonia’s status within the French Republic, creating “shared sovereignty”, a new citizenship for New Caledonians, and ending the previous status as a territoire d’outre-mer (overseas territory) of France; an “irreversible” transfer of administrative powers from Paris to local authorities and the new Congress in New Caledonia, among others.

The questions of two referendums, "Do you approve the Accord on New Caledonia signed in Nouméa on 5 May 1998?"(1998), and "Do you want New Caledonia to attain full sovereignty and become independent?"(2018) were different, suggesting that they carefully deal with the procedure legitimacy first in 1998 and the substantial outcomes in 2018.

Exactly as the political reconstruction of military occupation, the processes of de-colonization should conform to the principles of the legitimacy and the incremental stages, which have close relations with the administering authority.

Transfer of power make thing legitimate.  The sovereignty of the territory holds in the hand of the administering authority.  It needs the authorization of the administering authority in legal and in agreement forms.  The transfer of power makes a territory evolves from dependencies to autonomous.  They need the phases of the interim government, the transitional government; drafting the interim constitution, the transitional constitution, or the organic law, to legitimatize the local authority phase by phase.  Finally, the constitution is formalized by referendum.

The political reconstruction and the de-colonization cost decades or centuries to achieve.  The administering authority and the third parties supervise the whole process on the track in order not to sabotage the interest of the stake holders and the regional countries.

Taiwan has acquired tremendous achievements through the long post war political reconstruction.  Those who propagandize the referendum in Taiwan must understand and let their supporters know that the legal frame is and what behind the news that make the referendum legitimate and successful.



