

H. R. 1872 雲程譯

Using the principle of reciprocity, the US and Taiwan could regain the positions and the interests they lost to China for long.

1st Session
H. R. 1872
April 4, 2017

Mr. McGovern (for himself, Mr. Hultgren, Ms. DeLauro, Mr. Rohrabacher, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Stewart, Ms. McCollum, Mr. Ellison, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, Mr. DeFazio, Mr. Keating, Mr. Neal, Mr. Capuano, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Serrano, Mr. Welch, Mr. Connolly, and Mr. Polis) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned提出以下法案; 除了外交事務委員會之外,還提交給司法委員會,並由議長隨後確定一段時間,在每種情況下都要考慮屬於有關委員會管轄範圍內的此類規定。

To promote access for United States officials, journalists, and other citizens to Tibetan areas of the People’s Republic of China, and for other purposes.

1.  Short title 
This Act may be cited as the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act of 2017. 本法案可引述為2017年〈互惠入境西藏法〉。

2.  Findings  調查結果
Congress finds the following:  國會發覺以下內容
(1) The Government of the People's Republic of China does not grant United States officials, journalists, and other citizens access to China on a basis that is reciprocal to the access that the Government of the United States grants Chinese officials, journalists, and citizens.  中華人民共和國政府不允許美國官員,記者和其他公民進入中國,其依據是美國政府允許中國官員,記者和公民獲得的權利。

(2) The Government of China imposes greater restrictions on travel to Tibetan areas than to other areas of China. 中國政府對西藏地區旅行的限制比對中國其他地區的限制更多。

(3) Officials of China have stated that Tibet is open to foreign visitors.中國官員表示,西藏對外國遊客開放。

(4) The Government of China is promoting tourism in Tibetan areas, and at the Sixth Tibet Work Forum in August 2015, Premier Li Keqiang called for Tibet to build major world tourism destinations.  中國政府正在推動藏區旅遊業,20158月,在第六屆西藏工作論壇上,李克強總理呼籲西藏建設世界主要旅遊目的地。

(5) The Government of China requires foreigners to obtain permission from the Tibet Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office or from the Tibet Tourism Bureau to enter the Tibet Autonomous Region, a restriction that is not imposed on travel to any other provincial-level jurisdiction in China.  中國政府要求外國人獲得西藏外事辦公室或西藏旅遊局的許可進入西藏自治區,這是對中國其他省級管轄區的旅行沒有限制的限制。

(6) The Department of State reports that—國務院報告
(A) officials of the Government of the United States submitted 39 requests for diplomatic access to the Tibet Autonomous Region between May 2011 and July 2015, but only four were granted; and  美國政府官員在20115月至20157月期間提交了39項外交訪問西藏自治區的請求,但只有4項獲得批准;
(B) when such requests are granted, diplomatic personnel are closely supervised and given few opportunities to meet local residents not approved by authorities.  在提出此類請求時,外交人員受到密切監督,很少有機會會見未經當局批准的當地居民。

(7) The Government of China delayed United States consular access for more than 48 hours after an October 28, 2013, bus crash in the Tibet Autonomous Region, in which three citizens of the United States died and more than a dozen others, all from Walnut, California, were injured, undermining the ability of the Government of the United States to provide consular services to the victims and their families, and failing to meet China’s obligations under the Convention on Consular Relations, done at Vienna April 24, 1963 (21 UST 77).  20131028日西藏自治區公共汽車事故發生後,中國政府延宕了美國領事訪問超過48小時,其中三名美國公民死亡,另外十幾傷者全部來自加利福尼亞州的核桃地方,破壞了美國政府向受害者及其家屬提供領事服務的能力,並且未能履行中國在1963424日在維也納簽署的〈領事關係公約〉規定的義務(21 UST 77)。

(8) Following a 2015 earthquake that trapped dozens of citizens of the United States in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the United States Consulate General in Chengdu faced significant challenges in providing emergency consular assistance due to a lack of consular access.  2015年地震導緻美國數十名西藏自治區公民陷入困境之後,美國駐成都總領事館因缺乏領事通道而在提供緊急領事協助方面面臨重大挑戰。

(9) The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015 of the Department of State stated With the exception of a few highly controlled trips, the Chinese government also denied multiple requests by foreign diplomats for permission to visit the TAR..  國務院關於2015年人權實踐的各國報告稱,除少數高度控制的旅行外,中國政府還否認外國外交官多次要求獲准訪問西藏自治區。

(10) Tibetan-Americans, attempting to visit their homeland, report having to undergo a discriminatory visa application process, different from what is typically required, at the Chinese embassy and consulates in the United States, and often find their requests to travel denied.  西藏裔美國人試圖訪問他們的家鄉,報告說他們必須在中國駐美國大使館和領事館,接受不同於通常要求的歧視性簽證申請程序,並經常發現他們的旅行請求被拒絕。
(11) The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2016 of the Department of State stated The few visits to the TAR by diplomats and journalists that were allowed were tightly controlled by local authorities..  〈國務院2016年國家人權報告報告〉稱,外交官和新聞記者對西藏自治區的訪問,很少受到地方當局的嚴格控制。

(12) A September 2016 article in the Washington Post reported that The Tibet Autonomous Region … is harder to visit as a journalist than North Korea..  《華盛頓郵報》20169月的一篇文章報導說,西藏自治區......作為一名記者比朝鮮更難以訪問。

(13) The Government of China has failed to respond positively to requests from the Government of the United States to open a consulate in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region.  中國政府未能積極回應美國政府要求在西藏自治區拉薩開設領事館

(14) The Foreign Correspondents Club of China reports that—中國外國記者俱樂部報告 -
(A) 2008 rules prevent foreign reporters from visiting the Tibet Autonomous Region without prior permission from the Government of such Region;  2008年規定未經該地區政府事先許可,禁止外國記者訪問西藏自治區
(B) such permission has only rarely been granted; and  很少批准這種許可;和
(C) although the 2008 rules allow journalists to travel freely in other parts of China, Tibetan areas outside such Region remain effectively off-limits to foreign reporters.  雖然2008年的規則允許記者在中國其他地區自由旅行,但該地區以外的藏區仍然實際上禁止外國記者進入。

(15) The Department of State reports that in addition to having to obtain permission to enter the Tibet Autonomous Region, foreign tourists—國務院報告說,除了必須獲得進入西藏自治區的許可外,外國遊客 -
(A) must be accompanied at all times by a government-designated tour guide;  必須由政府指定的導遊隨時陪同;
(B) are rarely granted permission to enter the region by road;  很少獲准通過公路進入該地區;
(C) are largely barred from visiting around the March anniversary of a 1959 Tibetan uprising; and  基本上被禁止19593月西藏起義週年紀念訪問;和
(D) are banned from visiting the area where Larung Gar, the world’s largest center for the study of Tibetan Buddhism, and the site of a large-scale campaign to expel students and demolish living quarters, is located.  被禁止訪問世界上最大的藏傳佛教研究中心Larung Gar的地區,以及大規模驅逐學生和拆除生活區的運動場所。
(16) Foreign visitors also face restrictions in their ability to travel freely in Tibetan areas outside the Tibet Autonomous Region.  外國遊客在西藏自治區以外的藏族地區自由旅遊的能力也受到限制。

(17) The Government of the United States generally allows journalists and other citizens of China to travel freely within the United States.  The Government of the United States requires diplomats from China to notify the Department of State of their travel plans, and in certain situations, the Government of the United States requires such diplomats to obtain approval from the Department of State before travel.  However, where approval is required, it is almost always granted expeditiously.  美國政府一般允許記者和中國其他公民在美國境內自由旅行。美國政府要求中國外交官將其旅行計劃通知國務院,在某些情況下,美國政府要求這些外交官在旅行前獲得國務院的批准。但是,在需要批准的情況下,幾乎總是迅速批准。

(18) The United States regularly grants visas to Chinese officials, scholars, and others who travel to the United States to discuss, promote, and display the perspective of the Government of China on the situation in Tibetan areas, even as the Government of China restricts the ability of citizens of the United States to travel to Tibetan areas to gain their own perspective.  美國定期向中國官員,學者和其他前往美國的人士發放簽證,以便就中國政府的情況討論,促進和展示中國政府對西藏地區局勢的看法限制美國公民前往藏區獲取自己觀點的能力。

(19) Chinese diplomats based in the United States generally avail themselves of the freedom to travel to United States cities and lobby city councils, mayors, and governors to refrain from passing resolutions, issuing proclamations, or making statements of concern on Tibet.  駐留在美國的中國外交官,一般可自由前往美國城市和遊說市議會,市長和州長,以避免通過決議,發佈公告或對西藏發表關切聲明。

(20) The Government of China characterizes statements made by officials of the United States about the situation in Tibetan areas as inappropriate interference in the internal affairs of China.  中國政府將美國官員關於西藏地區局勢的言論描述為不恰當乾涉中國內政。

3.  Definitions  定義
In this Act: 在本法案中:
(1) Appropriate congressional committees  適當的國會委員會
The term appropriate congressional committees means—適當的國會委員會一詞是指 -
(A) the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and  參議院外交關係委員會和司法委員會;
(B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives.  眾議院外交事務委員會和司法委員會

(2) Senior leadership positions  高級領導職位
The term senior leadership positions means—高級領導職位一詞的意思是 -
(A) at the national level, the Chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the Head and Deputy Heads of the Communist Party Central Committee’s United Front Work Department;  國家一級,中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會主席,中共中央統戰部副主任
(B )at the sub-national level—在次國家層面 -
(i) members of the Communist Party Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region;  西藏自治區共產黨常委
(ii) the Director of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau;  西藏自治區旅遊局局長
(iii) the heads of United Front Work Departments of Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, and Yunnan Provinces; and  四川,青海,甘肅,雲南省統戰部門負責人
(iv)members of the Communist Party Standing Committees of the areas listed under paragraph (3)(B); and  第(3)(B)款所列地區的共產黨常務委員會成員
(C) any other individual determined by the Secretary of State to be personally and substantially involved in the formulation or execution of policies related to access for foreigners to Tibetan areas.  由國務卿指定的個人和實質上參與制訂,或執行與外國人進入西藏地區有關的政策的任何其他個人。

(3) Tibetan areas藏區
The term Tibetan areas includes—藏區一詞包括─
(A) the Tibet Autonomous Region; and  西藏自治區;
(B) the areas that the Chinese Government designates as Tibetan Autonomous, as follows:  中國政府指定為西藏自治區的地區如下:
(i) Kanlho (Gannan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and Pari (Tianzhu) Tibetan Autonomous County located in Gansu Province.  Kanlho(甘南)藏族自治州和位於甘肅省的Pari(天竺)藏族自治縣。
(ii) Golog (Guoluo) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Malho (Huangnan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Tsojang (Haibei) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Tsolho (Hainan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Tsonub (Haixi) Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and Yulshul (Yushu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, located in Qinghai Province.Golog(果洛)藏族自治州,Malho(黃南)藏族自治州,Tsojang(海北)藏族自治州,Tsolho(海南)藏族自治州,Tsonub(海西)蒙古族和藏族自治州,以及Yulshul(玉樹) 藏族自治州,位於青海省。
(iii) Garze (Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Ngawa (Aba) Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, and Muli (Mili) Tibetan Autonomous County, located in Sichuan Province.  甘孜(甘孜)藏族自治州,NgawaAba)藏族和羌族自治州,以及位於四川省的木里(Mili)藏族自治縣。
(iv) Dechen (Diqing) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, located in Yunnan Province.  Dechen(迪慶)藏族自治州,位於雲南省。

4.  Annual report  年度報告
(a) In general原則
Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes—本法案頒布之日起90天內,以及此後每年,國務卿應向適當的國會委員會提交一份報告,其中包括 -
(1) an assessment of the level of access Chinese authorities granted diplomats, journalists, and tourists from the United States to Tibetan areas, including—評估中國當局獲准從美國到藏區的外交官,記者和遊客,包括 -
(A) a comparison with the level of access granted to other areas of China; 與中國其他地區的准入程度進行比較
(B) a comparison between the levels of access granted to Tibetan and non-Tibetan areas in relevant provinces;對相關省份藏區和非藏區的准入程度進行比較
(C) a comparison of the level of access in the reporting year and the previous reporting year; and  比較報告年度和上一個報告年度的准入程度;和
(D) a description of the required permits and other measures that impede the freedom to travel in Tibetan areas; and描述妨礙在西藏地區旅行的所需許可證和其他措施;和

(2) a list of each individual who holds a senior leadership position.  擁有高級領導職位的名單
(b) Public availability公眾可獲得性
The report required under subsection (a) shall be made available to the public on the website of the Department of State.根據(a)款要求提交的報告應在國務院網站上公佈

5.  Inadmissibility of certain aliens  某些外國人不予受理
(a) Ineligibility for visas  簽證的無效性
No individual who is included on the most recent list required under section 4(a)(2) may be eligible to receive a visa to enter the United States or be admitted to the United States if the Secretary of State determines that—  根據第4a)(2)條要求列入最新名單的個人,若國務卿確定 - 可以有資格獲得進入美國或進入美國的簽證 -
(A) the requirement for specific official permission for foreigners to enter the Tibetan Autonomous Region remains in effect; or外國人進入西藏自治區的具體官方許可要求仍然有效;或
(B) such requirement has been replaced by a regulation that has a similar effect and requires foreign travelers to gain a level of permission to enter the Tibet Autonomous Region that is not required for travel to other provinces in China; and  此類要求已被具有類似效力的規定所取代,並要求外國遊客獲得進入西藏自治區的許可,而這些許可不是前往中國其他省份所必需的;和
(2) restrictions on travel by officials, journalists, and citizens of the United States to areas designated as Tibetan Autonomous in the provinces of Sichuan, Qinghai, Yunnan, and Gansu of China are greater than any restrictions on travel by such officials and citizens to areas in such provinces that are not so designated.  美國官員,記者和公民到中國四川,青海,雲南和甘肅省指定為西藏自治區的旅行限制,大於對這些官員和公民旅行的限制。這些省份中沒有指定的地區。
(b) Current visas revoked  目前的簽證被撤銷
The Secretary of State shall revoke, in accordance with section 221(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1201(i)), the visa or other documentation to enter or be present in the United States issued for an alien who would be ineligible to receive such a visa or documentation under subsection (a).國務卿應根據〈移民和國籍法〉第221i)條(8 USC 1201i))撤銷進入或出現在美國的簽證或其他文件,以便為外國人簽發沒有資格根據(a)款獲得此類簽證或文件。
(c) Waiver for national interests國家利益免責

(1) In general原則
The Secretary of State may waive the application of subsection (a) or (b) in the case of an alien if the Secretary determines that such a waiver—如果國務卿確定這樣的免簽,國務卿可以對(a)或(b)款適用於外國人的申請免簽 -
(A) is necessary to permit the United States to comply with the Agreement Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, signed at Lake Success June 26, 1947, and entered into force November 21, 1947 (TIAS 1676), or any other applicable international obligation of the United States; or  必須允許美國遵守1947626日在Lake Success簽署並於19471121日生效的聯合國總部協定(TIAS 1676)或任何其他適用的國際美國的義務;或
(B) is in the national security interests of the United States.  屬於美國的國家安全利益。

(2) Notification  通知
Upon granting a waiver under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a document detailing the evidence and justification for the necessity of such waiver, including, if such waiver is granted pursuant to paragraph (1)(B), how such waiver relates to the national security interests of the United States.  在批准第一個獲豁免(1),國務卿應當向適當的國會委員會的文件詳細說明了這樣的豁免,包括必要的證據和理由,如果這種免簽是根據授予第(1)(B ),這種豁免如何與美國的國家安全利益相關。

6.  Sense of Congress on visa policy  國會對簽證政策的意識
(a) Finding  發現
Congress finds that reciprocity forms the basis of diplomatic law and the practice of mutual exchanges between countries.  國會認為,互惠是外交法的基礎和國家間相互交流的實踐。
(b) Sense of Congress  國會立場
It is the sense of Congress that—國會的立場是 -

(1) a country should give equivalent consular access to the nationals of a foreign country in a manner that is reciprocal to the consular access granted by such foreign country to citizens of the country; and  一國應以與該國給予該國公民的領事准入相對應的方式,給予外國國民的同等領事權;和

(2) the Secretary of State, when granting diplomats from China access to parts of the United States, should take into account the extent to which the Government of China grants diplomats from the United States access to parts of China, including the level of access afforded to such diplomats to Tibetan areas.  國務卿在授予中國外交官進入美國部分地區時,應考慮到中國政府允許外交官從美國進入中國部分地區,包括向這些外交官提供進入藏族地區的程度。

1 則留言:

  1. 這就對了 圖博的問題就能顯現出來


