

FRUS:19781230美國太平洋司令部致電國務院和白宮 雲程翻譯

FRUS19781230美國太平洋司令部致電國務院和白宮    雲程翻
I have not read the any texts referring to the “Government of the Republic of China, GRC, become the Governing Authority of Taiwan.” 

However, the fact that the mission has pointed out Taiwan and unofficial instrumentality among others for several times might suggest the same comment of “路過的路人A.

The officials of Taiwan side’s “emphasizing their overriding concern with their legal status under U.S. law” can be read in this diplomatic telegram for several times.

How could it be possible just for the shift of the diplomatic tie led to the issue of Taiwan’s “legal status under U.S. law”?
And I do not know why the telegram stressed the date of February 28 or March 1st.


183. Telegram From the U.S. Pacific Command to the Department of State and the White House
Honolulu, December 30, 1978, 0014Z
State for Secretary and Holbrooke from Christopher. White House for Brzezinski.
Subject: Report to the President on Mission to Taiwan.
183. 從美國太平洋司令部到國務院和白宮的電報
國務卿克里斯托福和郝爾布魯克國家。 白宮的布里辛斯基。雲程翻譯

I. Overview.  概述雲程翻譯
On December 28 and 29, I met pursuant to your instructions with President Chiang Ching-Kuo and other officials of the Taiwan Government to discuss the new arrangements which the United States is prepared to create for maintaining cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.  I had two meetings with President Chiang and we had three plenary sessions in which their side was led by the Foreign Minister, the Vice Foreign Minister, and the Chief of their General Staff.  Despite the disturbances which marred our arrival in Taipei, we were able to proceed with our discussions in a serious and business-like atmosphere.  At the same time, the tense mood in Taipei and the apprehension which the Taiwan authorities feel for their future gave their presentations an intensity and occasional bitterness that kept the tone from being friendly.

The Taiwan officials were pre-occupied during the discussions with one point: Taiwan’s legal status under U.S. law.  They used this point as a surrogate for rearguing our basic recognition decision and repeatedly asked us to reconsider our position.  I explained that our position could not be changed.雲程翻譯

Nevertheless, they repeatedly urged us to recognize “the Republic of China as de jure, entitled to exercise governing authority in respect of the territories presently under its control.”  In this way, they argued, they could continue to have government-to-government relations with the United States.  They said repeatedly, with great emphasis and feeling, that they cannot accept relations with the United States on other than a government-to-government basis and that they considered this a matter of “life and death” importance.  At my second meeting with President Chiang, he put forward “five principles” which stressed this point, along with emphasizing the lack of prior consultation and the need for explicit security guarantees.

The Taiwan officials stressed that the ROC’s extensive foreign exchange and other assets in the United States would be placed in serious jeopardy by our refusal to recognize Taiwan.  They gave particular emphasis to the unpredictability of what United States courts will decide when issues concerning the ROC’s properties or other assets are brought before them.  They asked what our position would be with respect to such properties and assets.  I explained that this was a complex legal question to which there was no simple answer.  Rather, courts would consider a variety of factors, including, for example, the nature and history of the assets, and whether they had been generated by the people of Taiwan.  I said we would be studying carefully the legal status of such properties and assets and that our position with respect to any given assets would depend upon the applicable legal considerations.  I stated, however, that in any litigation, we would certify that we recognize the PRC as the Government of China.雲程翻譯

I believe the Taiwan officials were so adamant on the question of Taiwan’s legal status because they believe they have a chance of gaining congressional acceptance of their position, or some variant of it.  They may characterize their position for Congress as nothing more than an appeal to us to recognize the ROC for what it is: a legally constituted government exercising sovereignty over Taiwan.  They seem to think that such a formulation has an inherent reasonableness which will find appeal on the Hill.雲程翻譯

The principal value of our mission lay in giving us an opportunity to explain and clarify our position, to underscore the firmness of it, and to allow the Taiwan officials to complain and blow off steam.

[Page 682] [682]
No communiqué or joint press statement was issued.雲程翻譯In view of the tenor of the discussions and the tense conditions on Taiwan, it was not feasible at this time to ask President Chiang to issue the kind of positive unilateral statement which you had suggested.  He is beleaguered, but he was cordial to me personally, and it may be possible to get something from him later on when his friendship for the United States and his self-interest overcome his present emotions.

II. Our Four Principal Objectives.雲程翻譯我們的四個原則目標
You instructed me to seek Taiwan’s agreement to four principal points.  The first point was that all treaties and agreements in force between us shall remain in effect after January 1, 1979, with each side retaining such rights of abrogation or termination as are provided in the treaties and agreements themselves or inherently in international law and practice.  I was able to gain Taiwan’s agreement on this point.  The Taiwan officials sought to use our discussion of this point as a vehicle for emphasizing their overriding concern with their legal status under U.S. law.  For example, they argued that since the treaties and agreements exist between the U.S. and the ROC, their continuation necessarily implies our continued recognition of the ROC as a government.  We explained that this was not the case and that it is possible to have a treaty or agreement with an unofficial entity.  With respect to abrogation and termination rights, the Taiwan officials expressed particular concern about those treaties and agreements with provisions which allow for abrogation or termination on short notice and asked that we consider waiving those provisions in such instances.  We said we would look at the treaties and agreements on a case by case basis.雲程翻譯

Second, I was instructed to seek Taiwan’s agreement that the staffs of our respective Embassies and their associated instrumentalities, Consulates and Consulates General, may continue to function after January 1, 1979 and until February 28, 1979 in order to provide accustomed services, including consular services.雲程翻譯I was also able to gain Taiwan’s agreement on this point.  Again, they sought to use discussion of this issue as a vehicle for pressing their position on Taiwan’s legal status.  They asked whether the fact that the staffs of the Embassies and other entities would function for an additional two month period did not in fact mean that during that period the ROC would continue to be recognized by the United States.  We responded that was not the case and that the respective Embassies would be operating during that period on an unofficial basis.

Third, I was instructed to seek Taiwan’s agreement that each side will establish and put into operation by not later than February 28, 1979, a new instrumentality created under its domestic laws which would neither have the character of, nor be considered as, official governmental organizations.  I was not able to gain Taiwan’s agreement on [Page 683] this point.  As explained above, the Taiwan officials refused to accept the proposition that we should conduct our relations in the future on an unofficial basis.  We explained that we would nevertheless be proceeding to establish such an instrumentality and that we saw no legal obstacles to conducting relations through such unofficial means.  Repeatedly, I stressed that such instrumentalities would enable our two peoples to maintain the essential elements of our existing relationships.雲程翻譯

Fourth, you instructed me to seek Taiwan’s agreement that the two sides should meet at a time to be mutually agreed upon to work out the necessary detailed arrangements.  I was able to gain Taiwan’s agreement to do this.  The Taiwan officials did request that the participants in such discussions not be characterized as a “working group,” to which I assented.  They hoped that such discussions will go on in both Taipei and Washington; I stressed Washington.

III. Points of Information. 資訊要點
As instructed, I set forth for the Taiwan officials our position on several particular matters.  First, I informed them that agreements which depend upon or are linked to the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) will also end or lose effect with the MDT and that the United States will provide a list of the agreements which we believe fall into this category.  While they strenuously objected to our having moved to terminate the MDT, they did not dwell upon the fact that we will also be terminating the agreements which depend upon or are linked to the MDT.

Second, I informed the Taiwan officials that items of military equipment already committed will be delivered on schedule, including spare parts and other follow-on items, such as ammunition.  I stated further that we will not make any new commitments until the end of 1979, but will consider at a later time requests for sales in 1980 and subsequent years.  The Taiwan officials took great interest in these points and asked that the appropriate military officials in my delegation meet with their military officials to discuss in greater detail the “pipeline” items Taiwan will be receiving.  Such an informational meeting was held between the military officials, and it proceeded in a business-like manner.  At the same time, however, the Taiwan officials expressed concern about the military threat they believe the PRC poses against them.  They took the position that our de-recognition of the ROC creates an entirely new situation that requires the United States, if it is truly interested in Taiwan’s welfare, to make large new commitments of weaponry to Taiwan.  For example, the Chief of their General Staff argued that Taiwan will have a more pressing need than ever before for an advanced follow-on aircraft, such as the F–16 or F–18.  He also asked that the United States bring Taiwan “under the U.S. nuclear umbrella,” by giving written assurance that in the event the PRC threatens Taiwan with nuclear weapons, the United States will come to Taiwan’s defense. [Page 684]  In addition, he asked for a written arrangement which would serve in lieu of the MDT and assure Taiwan that we would help defend it from attack.
其次,我告知台灣官員,已經承諾的軍事裝備項目將如期交付,包括備件和其他後續物品,如彈藥。我進一步指出,我們不會在1979年底之前作出任何新的承諾,但會在稍後考慮1980年及以後年份的銷售要求。台灣官員對這些問題非常感興趣,並要求我國代表團的相關軍官與軍方官員會面,更詳細地討論台灣將接收的「管道」項目。這種資訊交換會議是在軍方官員之間舉行的,它以近乎正式的方式進行。然而,與此同時,台灣官員對他們認為中國對他們構成的軍事威脅表示擔憂。他們採取的立場是,我們對中華民國的認可創造了一種全新的局面,要求美國,如果真的對台灣的福利感興趣,就要向台灣做出大量新的武器承諾。例如,他們的參謀總長認為,對於先進的後續飛機,如F-16F-18,台灣將比以往任何時候都更迫切需要。他還要求美國把台灣「置於美國的核保護傘下」,作出書面保證,如果中華人民共和國威脅台灣擁有核武器,美國將會來防衛台灣。[Page 684]此外,他要求作出代替MDT的書面安排,並向台灣保證,我們會幫助它免受攻擊。

In response, I stressed our intention to continue to make certain defensive weapons available to Taiwan and the lengths to which we had gone in our negotiations with the PRC to preserve that position.  On the broader point, I said I did not see the need or possibility of such written assurances under current conditions. (We will undoubtedly be faced with such request or initiatives from the Congress.)

Third, as instructed, I drew attention to the recent statements by Taiwan’s Premier Y.S. Sun with regard to plans to develop long-range missiles.  I reminded the officials of Taiwan’s obligations and assurances with respect to the non-development of nuclear weapons.  I was told that Premier Sun’s statement concerning the missiles really should have referred to missiles with a “longer-range” than artillery. It was explained that the range of the missiles in question would be 100 kilometers.  With respect to the non-development of nuclear weapons, I was assured that Taiwan had no such intention and would fully live up to its obligations in this area and to the public and private assurances we have been given by President Chiang.

Fourth, I informed the Taiwan officials that we would be submitting appropriate legislation confirming the continuing eligibility of the people of Taiwan for such programs and benefits as are accorded generally by domestic United States law to foreign countries and nationals.  I said we hoped Taiwan will take similar action to the extent required by its domestic legislation.  The Taiwan officials were interested in this point and asked a number of clarifying questions, but their principal response was to press again their argument on the legal status of Taiwan.  They were non-committal on whether they will need to enact any legislation of their own.

Fifth, CINCPAC Admiral Weisner and I conveyed the information you requested concerning the disposition of our military forces, facilities, and War Reserve Materiel on Taiwan. In response, the Taiwan officials again stressed great concern for the period after December 31st, 1979, and reiterated their view that some substitute, written arrangement ought to be made in lieu of the MDT.雲程翻譯

Sixth, I told the Taiwan officials that we would like to discuss continued leasing of the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group compound as the site of the new offices to be maintained by U.S. in Taipei.  They implied they would be prepared to discuss this matter with us sympathetically.

Seventh, as for the ROC’s real property in the U.S., I noted that in any litigation concerning it, we would certify to the court that we recognize the PRC as the Government of China.
[Page 685]
Eighth, because, as pointed out above, the Taiwan officials were unprepared to discuss the establishment of unofficial instrumentalities for conducting our relations in the future, there was no occasion for a detailed discussion of the reciprocal granting on an administrative basis of certain privileges and immunities to the new offices to be established on each other’s territory.  I did flag the point for future discussion.
IV. Optional Points.IV方案要點
Of the five points you authorized me to make as necessary in the course of my discussions, I did not raise the first three because there was no need to do so.

We did inform the Taiwan officials that during 1979, CINCPAC will be authorized to establish a small, U.S.-manned planning group in Honolulu for Taiwan defense matters and that liaison with the Taiwan military will be maintained through the non-governmental personnel of our unofficial organization in Taiwan.  The Taiwan officials were, to a degree, reassured by the former point, although they again expressed concern for what would occur after December 31, 1979.  On the latter point, they urged that military to military contacts should be conducted by active duty U.S. officers.  We explained that the United States would not be in a position to use active duty officers, but that the individuals who were handling such matters for our unofficial organization would be qualified.
I also made the point that in acknowledging the PRC position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China; the United States had not gone beyond the position it asserted in the Shanghai Communiqué.  I found the continuity of our position over the last six years to be a useful point in rebutting the Taiwan officials’ argument that the United States should now suddenly take the position that the ROC is the de jure government of Taiwan.

V. Security of Americans on Taiwan.雲程翻譯在台灣美國人的安全
After the disturbances that occurred on our arrival, President Chiang gave assurances that full provision would be made for the safety of me and my delegation.  These assurances were fulfilled, and we were able to conduct our talks and depart Taipei without further incident, although this was accomplished only through the use of very heavy security precautions.  Throughout our time in Taipei sporadic demonstrations took place. In addition, there was a recurrent and disturbing implication in some of the remarks made to us by President Chiang and his colleagues that there might be further substantial protests directed at Americans on Taiwan and that the authorities might have difficulty keeping the situation under control.  While these are difficult matters to judge, I am concerned about the possible developments [Page 686] in this area, especially on January 1, when a massive, perhaps 100,000 person demonstration is scheduled to be held one block from the American Embassy.  Similar concerns were expressed by our Embassy personnel and private Americans on Taiwan.  I will be talking on the telephone today with Cy Vance about steps that might be taken to ameliorate the problem.
在我們抵達後發生的騷亂之後,蔣總統保證將為我和我國代表團的安全做好充分準備。這些保證得以實現,我們能夠進行會談並在沒有進一步事故的情況下離開台北,儘管這只是通過使用非常重的安全預防措施來實現的。我們在台北的整個時期都發生了零星的示威遊行。此外,蔣總統及其同事向我們提出的一些言論反覆出現令人不安的暗示,台灣可能會有針對美國人的進一步大規模抗議活動,當局可能難以控制局勢。雖然這些都是難以判斷的事情,但我擔心這個領域可能會發展,尤其是在11日,當時計劃在美國大使館一個街區舉行一場大規模的10萬人示威活動。我們的大使館工作人員和台灣民眾也表達了類似的擔憂。我今天將與Cy Vance通電話,討論可能採取的改善問題的步驟。
VI. Conclusion. VI結論
The Taiwan authorities have undergone a major shock and are still seeking to adjust to the new realities.  They are deeply concerned about the military threat posed by the PRC in the absence of the MDT and about the status of their property, particularly their financial assets, situated in the United States.  In a sense, they are continuing to deny to themselves the fact that we have recognized the PRC and that our decision is irreversible.  I believe they may maintain this illusion so long as they perceive any hope, through congressional and public pressure, of forcing us to modify our position.  Short of that they may hope to maneuver us into making seemingly minor adjustments in our policy which could damage our relations with the PRC.
Thus I expect the next two months will remain an unsettled period in our relations with the authorities on Taiwan. So long as they are looking for help from Congress, they will probably be reluctant to establish any kind of unofficial instrumentality.  However, assuming we suffer no major reverses on the Hill, I would expect that as March 1st approaches, the Taiwan authorities would take a more flexible and forthcoming position with respect to the establishment of an unofficial instrumentality.

As stated above, the meetings in Taiwan provided a good start in this direction, by enabling us to confirm and clarify our basic position and allowing the Taiwan officials an opportunity to vent their emotions.
Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 10, China (PRC): Reaction to Normalization, 12/22–28/78. Secret; Sensitive; Specat Exclusive; Nodis.
See Document 181 for Christopher’s instructions.
Christopher provided accounts of his meetings with Jiang in telegram 8747 from Taipei, December 28, and telegram 8803 from Taipei, December 29. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840153–2126 and P840153–2099)
Admiral Weisner, who accompanied Christopher, described the disturbances: “upon arrival in Taipei our motorcade en route from the Taipei airport passed through crowds of several thousand young people who were not adequately controlled. They did significant damage to the vehicles, but fortunately none of the occupants were seriously hurt. However, there was reason to believe that the demonstration was either deliberately orchestrated or at least sanctioned by the ROC Government. But because it was not adequately controlled it became seriously out of hand, and as a result, consideration was given to having the mission depart Taiwan immediately. After some deliberation, and conversation with Washington, the decision, as you know, was made to stay and proceed with the talks. I believe it was a good decision. The talks were important on both sides, and in my view, were necessary at this time.” (Telegram from Weisner to Rogers, December 30; Washington National Records Center, OSD Files: FRC 330–81–0202, China (Nats) 092)

7 則留言:

  1. 還有一個要點

    Years later the people in the Historical Division of the State Department had
    come across what there was of a written record about this whole episode. They
    were getting the account ready to put into the Department's Foreign Relations
    series of publications. They interviewed me at considerable length. In their
    view and I think they were correct, the Chinese had been fiddling around at
    the margins on the idea of opening up a channel of communication. What the
    Chinese wanted to do, among other things, was to head off that General
    Assembly resolution, then pending, to label the Chinese as aggressors in
    Korea. When that had failed, and when the U.S. had pressed ahead with that
    resolution, the Chinese said, "To hell with this." Also, up to that time--and
    in this I am simply trying to explain it, and it is true that I cannot
    document this--the Chinese had been playing around with the idea, in which
    they had Nehru's India as an advocate, of getting themselves seated in the UN.

    We rejected that notion as a scheme to "shoot their way into the UN." That
    was the phrase at the time. Once they had been turned down cold on all these
    overtures, then they spurned the UN.

    "Thereafter we went on for several years
    with the government of Taiwan being nominally the representative of China in
    the UN."

  2. RE: And I do not know why the telegram stressed the date of February 28 or March 1st.

    Pls refer to Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China

    The last paragraph in the Joint Communique states that:
    "The United States of America and the People's Republic of China will exchange Ambassadors and establish Embassies on March 1, 1979."

    by ccc

  3. 對比文章中提到的「unofficial instrumentality」,AIT內湖新館,甚囂塵上的由海軍陸戰隊擔任駐衛隊,始作俑者CNN又報導說美國防部長拒絕了。

  4. 美國的台旅法通過後,在3月時前AIT處長司徒文受訪時表示,應裁撤在華盛頓的AIT總辦公室,因為營運經費很昂貴。









    1. 幾年前,我在台教會發表的文章,提及AIT D.C.與AIT Taipei關係之演變。



  5. 第一次遇到用手機在這裡po文,系統出現黃底黑字「您的意見在核准之後就能被看見。」

    1. 對,很抱歉未公開說明。


