

政治重建脈絡下展望台美關係 Taiwan-US Relations under the perspective of the post-war Political Reconstruction(全)

政治重建脈絡下展望台美關係Taiwan-US Relations under the perspective of the post-war Political Reconstruction(全)

The President Tsai Ing-wen entered NASA on August 20, 2018 was not her first time entering a Federal Institutions.  Instead, she has entered the AIT new compound, a federal institution, at Neihu, Taipei, on June 12, attending its soft opening, where the emblem of the Department of State decorated high above the main entrance and President Tsai has receipted by Marie Royce, the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, as well as William Moser, the Overseas Buildings Office Principal Deputy Director Ambassador.  This is definitely historical.
However, the significance of the above historical event should be understood at the framework of seven decades more reconstruction of the end of the Pacific War of 1945.

It is the rules and the customs of the laws of war that the victor troops enters the territories of the defeated side and establishes occupation authority to maintain the order and the economy, plan reparations and wait the final decision of the treaty of peace.  One of the main objects of the occupation authority is the economic rehabilitation and political reconstruction.  The economic rehabilitation can be identified by aid-programs, while the purpose of the political reconstruction is to establish local legitimate government friendly to the occupation powers.

1946129日盟軍總部發出〈第677號指令〉(SCAPIN 677),分割日本帝國為日本內地、沖繩、台灣、朝鮮與國際聯盟的委任統治地(Mandate Territories)等區域。七十多年後,各有不同歸屬—日本以實施全新憲法,在1947年轉化為民主國家;朝鮮則分南北,在1948年先後各自建國,並在同日加入聯合國;沖繩在美國佔領與託管施政權後,於1972年返還日本;國聯委任統治地,則先轉為聯合國下太平洋託管地(TTPI: Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands),美國於1980年代起先後以簽署「自由聯合盟約」(Compact of Free Association)的模式,允許密克羅尼西亞、馬紹爾、帛琉獨立建國,唯獨北馬里亞那群島決定不獨立,仍為美國的自治領(Commonwealth);只有台灣,在中國阻撓下至今妾身未明。
The Supreme Command of the Allied Power, SCAP, issued SCAPIN-677 on January 29, 1946, to limited the Japan Empire into the four main islands and other territories the UN decides.  The Japan Empire was then separated into the homeland of Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan Korea and the former German Mandated territories under the League of Nations among others.  They have different status after seven decades more.  Japan has turned into a true democratic country through the new constitution of 1947.  Korea was split into two equal parts, established new states separately as ROK and PDRK and joint the US as full members at the same day.  Okinawa was turn back to Japan on May 15, 1972 after 27 years of the US military government and trust.  The former German Mandate territories was turned into the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, TTPI, under the US as the administering authority then the US allowed them to be independent with the Compact of the Freely Association around 1982.  The Federated State of Micronesia, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau chose to be independent while the Northern Mariana Islands chose to stay inside the US circle as a commonwealth.  Only the status of Taiwan is pending for the strong boycott of China.

台灣依靠美援、中美基金,美援會(CUSA: Council for United States)、農復會(JCRR: Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction)、經濟合作署(ECA: Economic Cooperation Administration),一直到經建會,加上懷特公司(J. G. White Engineering Corporation)、富瑞公司(George Fry & Associated)等機構襄助,經濟復興成就非凡;在安全方面,則依賴美軍台灣防衛司令部(USTDC: United States Taiwan Defense Command)、美軍顧問團(MAAG: Military Assistance Advisory Group),情報合作與不中斷的軍售而屹立不搖。
By the help of the US aids, Sino-America fund, the Council for United States(CUSA), the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction(JCRR), the Economic Cooperation Administration(ECA), the Council for Economic Planning And Development, and the managment of the J. G. White Engineering Corporation, the George Fry & Associated etc., Taiwan acquired tremendous economic achievements.  By the help of the United States Taiwan Defense Command (USTDC), the Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) as well as the intellectual cooperation, Taiwan survived from Chinese invasions and threats for times.

Nevertheless, Taiwan’s political reconstruction is very complicated due to the boycott from China.  The US, the Principal Occupying Power of the Treaty of the Peace with Japan, tried to solve Taiwan Question in the talks of the diplomatic tie with China in early 1970s.  Dr. Henry Kissinger attempted to pull out China from the communist circle and guided China to follow the international world order through its reformation policy.  After half the century, Dr. Kissinger admitted recently that his plan was failed, which signified a strategic paradigm changing of the US.

Under the framework of political reconstruction, no matter what the names of the authorities after the end of the Pacific War are -- the Chief Executive Office, RoC, RoC on Taiwan, RoC Taiwan, or as simple as Taiwan, they are the identical entity of "the Taiwan Governing Authority" under "the Taiwan Relations Act".  They are all established on Taiwan and for the benefits of Taiwan.

Will Taiwan and the US establish diplomatic tie under the Freely Association pattern as the TTPI did, or will the US support the People on Taiwan to create the all new fundamental law for their benefits?  Maybe both are the options.

13 則留言:

  1. 所以1945年10月25日起之後的掠奪和殺戮是違反戰爭法的吧,這責任追究起來當時代表中華民國的中國國民黨及其軍隊該被如何處置?還有現在號稱中華民國的民選政府,需不需要來個重整重構?極其複雜的建國工程,想到就會很頭痛吧...

  2. 北越戰後也曾被蔣介石政權的盧漢軍隊掠奪和殺戮,不知道胡志明當時是如何處理?

    1. 映像中,胡志明是先和法國合作答應願意成為法國屬地把蔣介石軍隊趕走,然後再跟法國談獨立。

    2. 初時乍看, 一時不解北越與此何干, 但看完兩位大大的對話才恍然大悟.

      (對這段歷史實在不熟, 很想從網路搜尋更詳細之描述, 未能如願, 但無妨)

      且先不管歷史細節的準確性, 但這番「弱者先入夥洋國(法)、藉洋驅中(脫中)、爾後脫洋獨立」的策略思路案例, 於此時此刻實在提的好, (誠如許多歷史學家所評)胡志明真不愧是一位深俱謀略眼光的近代歷史人物("越南國父"不負虛名), 雖然當時歷史背景與今日時空條件已然大不相同, 但其中有某部份謀略眼光仍值得今日的台灣借鏡、啟發、與反思, 妙!!

      from 楓巢求悟

    3. 幾件事情,可能會讓人脫窗
      1. 北越人說,寧可吃法國人的屎,也不要聞中國人的屁,有類似這種話。可見得其比較過中法文化之殖民差異,雖然都差,但仍可分別高下

      2. 胡志明,一說是台灣苗栗人,有人出書詳加說明

    4. 大家誤解了,我的問題不是越南戰後如何獨立,而是有關中國盧漢軍接收北越之後殺害北越人的不法行徑,胡志明有追溯和清算中國人的犯罪行為嗎?如果有的話,胡志明是如何處理?過程是如何進行?

    5. 請留下名號


  3. 果然, 在台灣旅行法通過後, 台美之間關係深化的各種執行面(點點滴滴、大大小小)陸續開始啟動了:

    第一次! 台美衛生部長在華府會談


    《紐時》: 美國索取H7N9病毒樣本__中國拒絕提供__全球公衛安全成中美貿易戰犧牲品!

    把這兩則同時涉及醫療外交的相關新聞事件放在一起看, 後者乍看似與台灣無直接關聯, 但無形中對台灣卻間接反形成另一種"助力"(or 推力), 幾乎可以大膽預判台灣在參加國際衛生組織方面, 不久將可望有所突破(尤其在美台關係深化的新階段影響之下)

    在此同時, 台灣軍方"醫療"單位才剛受邀參加了8月美軍在所羅門群島人道救援聯合軍演, 接著11月將與美軍進行海上"醫療"機制演練, 在更後面則接著台旅法所預告的美軍"醫療"船訪台, 一切皆以較不具政治敏感的"醫療"項目作為台美深化合作關係新階段的實質起點(之一), 在積極參與"醫療"的人道名義下, 先站上國際道德制高點, 讓中國可抗議的操作空間受限, 政治敏感度低, 爭議少, 阻力就小, 接下來, 其他高政治敏感性項目可望將會由小而大陸續"比照"跟進, 逐步擴大!!........

    嗯, 這只是剛開始, 接下來台美之間的其他一切後續動作頗令人期待 !! ( 2018 出乎意料的精彩, 劇情高潮迭起, 果如當初「椰大的水晶球」所預告!! 求悟老頑童似乎不用再擔心今年每夜睡覺的夢境太枯燥乏味, 這下老頑童要更努力去多睡些夢了, 好好地"夢中求悟"一番....)

    from 楓巢求悟

    1. 有助益到這兩條新聞


    2. 雲大說的對, 「赤匪」們不可能不出來"鬼吼鬼叫"!

      「赤匪」們若不出來吼叫一番, 就完全不像個"赤匪樣", 也顯得他們不夠"敬業"咩 !

      (從人道立場來看, 「赤匪」也是人, 天生性喜"鬼吼鬼叫", 硬要壓抑他們完全不吼不叫, 實在殘忍至極、違反人道 ! )

      再者, 曾有知名導演說過: 「正派主角人人愛, 但即使演員在戲中被分配到的是人人討厭的大反派角色, 也是要發揮"敬業精神"認真演好大壞蛋, 這樣才對得起觀眾! 」

      他們若都安靜無聲不出來鬼吼鬼叫, 那「赤匪」就演得一點也不像「赤匪」了, 不但劇情張力、精彩度皆不足, 既無法凸顯受欺弱角的楚楚可憐程度, 剷惡扶弱的大英雄身懷絕世武功+好不容易重金添購的一身盔甲與滿身鋒利兵器, 也全無用武之地, 最後就連老頑童的夢境都會因過於枯燥無趣而悶醒 !

      但若真要讓他們鬼叫嗎? 又怕他們失控抓狂大聲鬼叫, 嚴重影響秩序、擾人清夢, 這該如何是好呢?

      既然"鬼吼鬼叫"分: (1) 大吵大鬧 (2) 中吵中鬧 (3) 小吵小鬧 (4)不吵不鬧. 四等程度,

      要不, 就儘量先從比較可能引起他們"小吵小鬧"的行動做起, 這樣一來 各方皆大歡喜, 各取所需唄!

      運氣好, 結果「赤匪」們果真只有"小吵小鬧", 那就算是賺到, 大家如願以償 !

      萬一運氣不好, 「赤匪」們仍要求"中吵中鬧"或"大吵大鬧", 那到時候只好讓: 導演、大英雄、赤匪大壞蛋、受欺弱角、村民路人甲乙丙、觀眾, 大家坐下來個"六方大協商", 看怎修改劇本, 儘量找出各方"最大公約數", 讓戲能繼續演下去唄 ! (邊演邊改, 邊改邊演, 不按原著劇本演出, 已有先例, 也算現代連續劇特色之一.)

      到時, 不得已只能改變原訂策略, 隨機應變 , 且走且戰, 一切看著辦囉........( 這又是另一類重要能耐的考驗, 也算另一種"精彩"劇情 )

      咦! 怎又擠出一大堆"夢囈", 求悟老頑童現在究竟是在"夢裡"? 還是"夢外" ? .... 我自己也搞糊塗了, 呵呵....

      from 楓巢求悟

  4. 好消息是經費問題,今年不會去馬國招回清國奴來念書了


    1. 是真的消息嗎?

      這真的是 "好" 消息!

