

臉書新專利 遠端遙控偷錄音….. 自由20180702

What a surprise to hear that, yet it is not a surprise today. 

Some advertisements might emit inaudible Audio Beacon sound to record users’ environment sound, which means you are tapped anytime and anywhere.
Any APP might bundle the tapping programs that no users could be aware of.

The sound, in fact, is just a trigger to activate nearby smart phones to listen, and perhaps to scan.
That also means the hardware makers and App developers collaborate with each other.

"The combination of information across devices not only creates serious privacy concerns, but also allows for companies to make incorrect and possibly harmful assumptions about individuals."

Here is another case. 
Electrolux Pure i9 Robot Vacuum, using laser and visual 3D scanning devise, could sweep your rooms cleaner and smarter. 
And Electrolux is not the sole maker in the world that could provide this function.

Why Facebook do that?
The revenue from the advertisement is just one income source of Facebook.  Other sources might be the sweet items, including the funds from hardware makers.

Will you trust FB?  Will you trust all other APP?  Do you trust your smart phone?

臉書新專利 遠端遙控偷錄音….. 自由20180702
隱私憂慮再起 臉書指為預防抄襲不會擅用
〔編譯茅毅、劉宜庭/綜合報導〕國外媒體報導,社群網站龍頭「臉書」已將一項軟體技術申請專利,即每當臉書用戶的智慧型手機接收到電視節目或廣告裡若干人類聽不見的「聲音指紋」時,臉書研發的系統就能從遠端悄悄地啟動手機的麥克風開始錄音。對此,臉書法律顧問艾倫.盧(Allen Lo,譯音)聲明,申請專利僅為預防其他公司抄襲,除非用戶同意,否則絕不會用於任何臉書產品。

測到聲音指紋 悄悄啟動手機麥克風



小遊戲網站 可能暴露1.2億用戶個資
另一方面,臉書因應「劍橋分析」個資濫用醜聞,推出針對第三方應用程式、打擊個資濫用的抓漏獎勵方案。資安研究員狄蘇克萊爾(Inti De Ceukelaire)四月向臉書舉發,開發「測驗你是哪一位迪士尼公主」、「看看你的油畫模樣」等臉書小遊戲的網站「Nametest.com」,多年來持續在網際網路上暴露高達一.二億臉書用戶個資。相關漏洞已在六月修復。

認了曾與52家企業 共享用戶資訊

1 則留言:

  1. 好可怕! 大家真的要考慮退出臉書了嗎?


