

〈公民史學宣言,反微調課綱〉An unofficial English version


Taiwan high school students oppose the illegally adjusted historic textbooks.  Though the administrative court has ruled that the rebuilding of curriculum guidelines by MYJ’s cabinet to be illegal, the Ministry of Education still insists on the new guidelines as if the judiciary branch never existed.

This is the first time that Taiwan high school students have spontaneously stood out against governmental measures.  MYJ and his Minister of Education have tried once again to intrude parochial Chinese nationalism upon Taiwan society, just one year after the revolutionary Sunflower Movement by college students.

為此,台中一中歷史老師許全義在網路上發佈〈公民史學宣言,反微調課綱〉。有網友將它翻譯成英文,希望能讓包括梅健華 (Kim Moy) 在內的國際社會也能理解:當政者如何努力在台灣塑造大中國思想,使其遠離民主文明。
To support his outraged students, Shu Chuan-yi, a high school history teacher, drafted “The Declaration of Civic History for Taiwan’s High Schools.”  An anonymous net user read and translated the declaration to reveal the government’s arbitrary China-oriented policies to the outside world. The international society, especially Kim Moy, the Taipei Director of AIT, must realize how MYJ is molding the mentality of the people on Taiwan with a view to the alteration of the regional status quo and security.

All our readers may forward the translation to anyone who is concerned about the democratic development in Taiwan.

The Declaration of Civic History for Taiwan’s High Schools
---an objection to China-centric adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines

by 許全義, history teacher in Taichung First Senior High School

The education of civic history in high schools, the last phase of 12-year compulsory education, is meant to prepare students for citizenship in our democracy.  Civic communication should be the cornerstone of this significant subject that concerns and backs up citizens.  In other words, civic history should be by the citizen, of the citizen, and with the citizen.

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Education of this free country is sailing against the current, as if it were generating perfect docile subjects for the great old Ming dynasty.

First, the so-called “slight adjustment” of the curriculum guidelines for high schools violated procedural justice.  Decisions were rushed through a small panel of amateurs of history behind closed doors.  They feared civic communication because the new guidelines were derived from their collective totalitarian memories.  Therefore, whoever claims to be an ardent citizen of this democracy and refuses to be a docile subject cannot but stand up against the Ministry of Education that tampers with Taiwan history.

Next, the new guidelines are not only irrelevant to citizens but also inadequate for the development of modern citizenship.  If few Taiwan citizens take interest in the tax law of the Sui and Tang dynasties, how do the guidelines persuade the whole country that our high school kids need to know it well? It is histories of the environment, economics and human rights that concern most modern citizens, not how Chinese in the 7th and 8th centuries paid their tax. Yet, the new curriculum guidelines still regrettably insist on ancient Chinese Imperialism.  Any Taiwan-minded history teacher that fears to generate hoodlums on the international stage cannot but stand up against the tampered curriculum guidelines for high school students.

Last but not least, the new curriculum guidelines shy from revealing the truth of Taiwan’s past, and instead wish to wipe out the old memories and replace them with glorious China-centric ideology.  Yet, how illusory the glory is!  It is as illusory as the Chinese architectural design of Nanhai Academy, Martyrs’ Shrine, Yuanshan Grand Hotel, and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. It is as ridiculous as the numerous streets and roads that carry the names of old Chinese towns and provinces. It is in fact an imaginary ownership of old Grand China.  However, Taiwan is neither Southern Dynasty in Chinese history, nor a miniature of China.  We are determinedly proud to share respect for our ancestors’ stories here on Taiwan.  The curriculum guidelines that betray Taiwan citizens by renouncing their history are destined to turn to dust and ashes in the furnace of history.

In short, the Ministry of Education’s adjustment of high-school curriculum guidelines not only violated procedural justice, but also aimed at the retrieve of a totalitarian education.  Getting trapped in old ideology that takes it for granted to negate the past of the defeated, these big-headed Chinese deny our kids a proper exposure to imperative current issues on the environment, economics and trade, human rights, etc.  When civic history is eradicated from high-school education and hinders our country from progress, we just have to beat the drum of war and fight for our history and a proper modern education for kids!

台中一中歷史科教師 許全義

高中是十二年國教的最後階段。學生所接受的史學教育,也是她日後成為自由國度公民的基礎。此公民史學,當有三大特色,一、與公民站在一起( with the citizen ),二、係公民所關切的 ( of the citizen ),三、與公民共同對話所建構的 ( by the citizen )



其次,這份課綱所規劃的內容,既非公民所關切,也不足以培養台灣新時代公民。今天還有多少公民會對隋唐制度租庸調法,饒富興趣呢? 課綱又如何能說服公民,為什麼一個高中生要對唐代租庸調法耳熟能詳呢?新時代公民關係的議題,揆諸世界,是環境史,經貿史與人權史。很遺憾的,我們的課綱還停留在中國天朝中心主義,不知今夕何夕?只要是對台灣未來關切的高中歷史老師,懼怕所培養出來的學生成為國際流氓的,對此課綱實不得不反。




