

美軍兩棲登陸演練 台灣受邀觀摩○自由 (2015.05.22)

觀摩的演習是美國太平洋艦隊 Culebra Koa 15的一部份。觀摩地點在夏威夷的海軍陸戰隊Bellows訓練區。


美軍兩棲登陸演練 台灣受邀觀摩○自由 (2015.05.22)







美軍表示,PALS有助強化區域盟國與夥伴國的協同作戰能力,而這樣的研討會也為強化區域穩定奠定基礎,大家都受惠。美軍這次由陸戰隊第一五遠征隊執行兩棲登陸演練,而兩棲登陸載具則由隸屬於第七艦隊的拉許摩爾(USS Rushmore)號發動。


Foreign Military Leaders Observe U.S. Marine Corps Amphibious Landing during U.S. Pacific Command Amphibious Leaders SymposiumUSPACOM (2015.05.20)
Representatives from 22 nations observed an amphibious landing by the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit May 19, 2015.  Amphibious Assault Vehicles launched from the USS Rushmore.

The landing is part of U.S. Pacific Fleet’s Culebra Koa 15, an on-going joint sea-basing exercise taking place in Hawaii at the same time as the U.S. Pacific Command Amphibious Leaders Symposium.  Symposium participants visited MCTAB to watch the beach assault after discussing amphibious doctrine the day prior.

The three-day U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific-led PALS, is an event designed to bring together senior leaders of allied and partner Marine Corps, naval infantries, and militaries spanning the Indo-Asia-Pacific region with interest in military amphibious capability development.  The objective is to have meaningful dialogue on key aspects of maritime and amphibious operations, capability development, and interoperability.

AAVs traveled from ship-to-shore, a tactic the Marine Corps has practiced since World War II.  Two U.S. Navy Landing Craft Air Cushion vehicles followed the AAVs, demonstrating another amphibious capability to those observing.

The PALS event aids in strengthening interoperability with allied and partner nations throughout the region. Events like PALS help pave the way for enhanced regional stability beneficial to all.

“What we are trying to do is bring together senior amphibious leaders to talk about things that matter to them and their country and maintain a peaceful way of moving forward,” said Maj. Christina Henry, Southeast Asia lead planner with MARFORPAC.

Representatives have been together since May 17, talking about ship-to-shore tactics, capabilities of their respective militaries and new opportunities to work together in the future.

Countries participating include Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, United Kingdom and Vietnam.

“We gather, work and discuss to overcome challenges now and in the future, especially on the sea,” said Indonesian Navy Col. Halili, naval attaché to the United States.  “We are looking to enhance our relationship, partnership and friendship to make our region more secure.”

The Marine Corps participates in several multinational exercises and events like PALS year-round.  Participation with partner nations in military events and exercises helps strengthen relationships with countries in the region, which in turn, fosters greater stability and prosperity.

“It is our obligation (and responsibility) to overcome challenges (in the Pacific),” Halili said.  “The goal is to have zero enemies and peace and grow the economy in our region.”

2 則留言:

  1. 當然更重要的還有法國與南海諸島的實質歷史淵源,與法國插旗東南亞配合菲越將南海問題全球化的表態.中國急於挑戰海洋強權已觸動多國間海上軍事同盟的正規化建置,也意味著軍產複合體的另一下一站.

    1. 我警覺這一句「軍產複合體的另一下一站」

