

《2014年中國軍事及安全之發展》——第五章:中國針對台灣所進行的軍事現代化 SW翻譯 / 雲程校對











Ø   正式的台獨聲明;
Ø   不明確的台獨動作;
Ø   台灣內部動亂;
Ø   台灣取得核武器;
Ø   無限期地推遲兩岸統一的對話;
Ø   外國干預台灣內政; 以及
Ø   外國軍隊進駐台灣。

    20053月「反分裂國家法」第8條寫道,中國可能會使用「非和平手段」,如果「分裂勢力...... 導致台灣從中國分裂出去的事實」、「發生將會導致台灣從中國分裂出去的重大事變」、或者「和平統一的可能性完全喪失」。這些「紅線」的模糊,為中國保留了靈活度。



Ø   阻止美國可能的干預;
Ø   若無法阻止,則推遲其干預,並以不對稱、有限、快速戰爭的方式求取勝利;以及,
Ø   使戰爭僵滯,並在曠日費時的折衝之後達成政治協定。


















Military and Security Developments
Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014

Chapter 5: Force Modernization for a Taiwan Contingency

Security in the Taiwan Strait is largely a function of dynamic interactions between and among mainland China, Taiwan, and the United States. China’s strategy toward Taiwan has been influenced by what it sees as positive developments in Taiwan’s political situation and approach to engagement with China. However, China’s overall strategy continues to incorporate elements of persuasion and coercion to deter or repress the development of political attitudes in Taiwan favoring independence. China and Taiwan have made progress in expanding cross-Strait trade/economic links and people-to-people contacts.

Alongside positive public statements about the Taiwan Strait situation from top leaders in China following the re-election of President Ma Ying-jeou in 2012, there have been no signs that China’s military posture opposite Taiwan has changed significantly. The PLA has developed and deployed military capabilities to coerce Taiwan or to attempt an invasion, if necessary. These improvements pose major challenges to Taiwan’s security, which has been based historically upon the PLA’s inability to project power across the 100 nm Taiwan Strait, natural geographic advantages of island defense, Taiwan’s armed forces’ technological superiority, and the possibility of U.S. intervention.


China appears prepared to defer the use of force, as long as it believes that unification over the long term remains possible and the costs of conflict outweigh the benefits. China argues that the credible threat to use force is essential to maintain the conditions for political progress and to prevent Taiwan from making moves toward de jure independence. China has refused for decades to renounce the use of force to resolve the Taiwan issue, despite simultaneously professing its desire for peaceful unification under the principle of “one country, two systems.”

The circumstances under which the mainland has historically warned it would use force have evolved over time in response to the island’s declarations of its political status, changes in PLA capabilities, and China’s view of Taiwan’s relations with other countries. These circumstances, or “red lines,” have included:

Ø    Formal declaration of Taiwan independence;
Ø    Undefined moves toward Taiwan independence;
Ø    Internal unrest on Taiwan;
Ø    Taiwan’s acquisition of nuclear weapons;
Ø    Indefinite delays in the resumption of cross-Strait dialogue on unification;
Ø    Foreign intervention in Taiwan’s internal affairs; and,
Ø    Foreign forces stationed on Taiwan.

Article 8 of the March 2005 “Anti-Secession Law” states that China may use “non-peaceful means” if “secessionist forces … cause the fact of Taiwan’s secession from China”; if “major incidents entailing Taiwan’s secession” occur; or, if “possibilities for peaceful reunification” are exhausted. The ambiguity of these “redlines” preserves China’s flexibility.

The PLA is capable of increasingly sophisticated military action against Taiwan. It is possible China would first pursue a measured approach characterized by signaling its readiness to use force, followed by a deliberate buildup of force to optimize the speed of engagement over strategic deception. Another option is that China would sacrifice overt, large-scale preparations in favor of surprise to force rapid military and/or political resolution before other countries could respond. If a quick resolution is not possible, China would seek to:

Ø    Deter potential U.S. intervention;
Ø    Failing that, delay intervention and seek victory in an asymmetric, limited, quick war; and,
Ø    Fight to a standstill and pursue a political settlement after a protracted conflict.

Maritime Quarantine or Blockade. In addition to direct military engagement, PLA writings describe potential alternative solutions — air blockades, missile attacks, and mining to force capitulation. China could declare that ships en route to Taiwan must stop in mainland ports for inspection and/or transshipment prior to transiting to Taiwan ports. China could also attempt the equivalent of a blockade by declaring exercise or missile closure areas in approaches to ports, in effect closing port access and diverting merchant traffic. The PLA employed this method during the 1995-96 missile firings and live-fire exercises. There is a risk, however, that China would underestimate the degree to which any attempt to limit maritime traffic to and from Taiwan would trigger countervailing international pressure and military escalation.

Limited Force or Coercive Options. China might use a variety of disruptive, punitive, or lethal military actions in a limited campaign against Taiwan, likely in conjunction with overt and clandestine economic and political activities. Such a campaign could include computer network or limited kinetic attacks against Taiwan’s political, military, and economic infrastructure to induce fear in Taiwan and degrade the populace’s confidence in the Taiwan leadership. Similarly, PLA special operations forces could infiltrate Taiwan and conduct attacks against infrastructure or leadership targets.

Air and Missile Campaign. China could use missile attacks and precision strikes against air defense systems, including air bases, radar sites, missiles, space assets, and communications facilities to degrade Taiwan’s defenses, neutralize Taiwan’s leadership, or break the Taiwan people’s resolve.

Amphibious Invasion. Publicly available Chinese writings describe different operational concepts for amphibious invasion. The most prominent of these, the Joint Island Landing Campaign, envisions a complex operation relying on coordinated, interlocking campaigns for logistics, air, and naval support, and EW. The objective would be to break through or circumvent shore defenses, establish and build a beachhead, transport personnel and materiel to designated landing sites in the north or south of Taiwan’s western coastline, and launch attacks to seize and occupy key targets and/or the entire island.

The PLA is capable of accomplishing various amphibious operations short of a full-scale invasion of Taiwan. With few overt military preparations beyond routine training, China could launch an invasion of small Taiwan-held islands in the South China Sea such as Pratas or Itu Aba. A PLA invasion of a medium-sized, better defended offshore island such as Matsu or Jinmen is within China’s capabilities. Such an invasion would demonstrate military capability and political resolve while achieving tangible territorial gain and simultaneously showing some measure of restraint. However, this kind of operation includes significant, if not prohibitive, political risk because it could galvanize pro-independence sentiment on Taiwan and generate international opposition.

Large-scale amphibious invasion is one of the most complicated and difficult military operations. Success depends upon air and sea superiority, rapid buildup and sustainment of supplies on shore, and uninterrupted support. An attempt to invade Taiwan would strain China’s armed forces and invite international intervention. These stresses, combined with China’s combat force attrition and the complexity of urban warfare and counterinsurgency (assuming a successful landing and breakout), make amphibious invasion of Taiwan a significant political and military risk. Taiwan’s investments to harden infrastructure and strengthen defensive capabilities could also decrease China’s ability to achieve its objectives. Moreover, China does not appear to be building the conventional amphibious lift required to support such a campaign.


Preparation for a Taiwan conflict with the possibility of U.S. intervention continues to dominate China’s military modernization program.

Missile Forces. The Second Artillery Force is prepared to conduct missile attacks and precision strikes against Taiwan’s air defense systems, air bases, radar sites, missiles, space assets, and C2 and communications facilities, in an attempt to degrade Taiwan’s defenses, neutralize Taiwan’s leadership, or break the public’s will to fight.

Air Forces. The PLA Air Force has maintained a force posture that provides it with a variety of capabilities to leverage against Taiwan in a contingency. First, it has stationed a large number of advanced aircraft within an unrefueled range of Taiwan, providing them with a significant capability to conduct air superiority and ground attack operations against Taiwan. Second, a number of long-range air defense systems provide a strong layer of defense of China’s mainland against a counterattack. Third, China’s development of support aircraft provide it improved ISR to support PLAAF operations in a contingency.

Navy Forces. The PLA Navy is improving anti-air and anti-surface warfare capabilities, developing a credible at-sea nuclear deterrent, and introducing new platforms that are positioned to strike Taiwan in a cross-Strait conflict. The additional attack submarines, multi-mission surface combatants, and fourth-generation naval aircraft entering the force are designed to achieve sea superiority within the first island chain as well as deter and counter any potential third party intervention in a Taiwan conflict.

Ground Forces. Increasingly armed with more modern systems such as armed attack helicopters, the PLA Army is conducting joint training exercises that will prepare them for a Taiwan invasion scenario. The PLA Army often conducts training, including amphibious landing training, under realistic conditions, including all-weather and at night. Improved networks provide real-time data transmissions within and between units, enabling better C2 during operations. Additionally, the PLA Army’s ongoing fielding of advanced air defense equipment is significantly enhancing the self-defense of key C2 elements and other critical assets assessed as likely tasked for potential use against Taiwan. As the number of these new systems grows in the PLA Army, the ability of an amphibious invasion force to defend cross-Strait amphibious lodgments successfully against counterattacks by both legacy and advanced weaponry will inevitably increase.


Taiwan has historically relied upon multiple military variables to deter PLA aggression: the PLA’s inability to project sufficient power across the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan military’s technological superiority, and the inherent geographic advantages of island defense. China’s increasingly modern weapons and platforms (more than 1,200 conventional ballistic missiles, an ASBM program, ships and submarines, combat aircraft, and improved C4ISR capabilities) have eroded or negated many of these factors.

Taiwan is taking important steps to build its war reserve stocks, grow its defense industrial base, improve joint operations and crisis response capabilities, and strengthen its officer and noncommissioned officer (NCO) corps. These improvements partially address Taiwan’s declining defensive advantages. Taiwan is following through with its transition to a volunteer military and reducing its active military end-strength from 275,000 to approximately 175,000 personnel to create a “small but smart and strong force.” Under this plan, which is slated for full implementation in 2019, the cost savings from a smaller force will free up resources to increase volunteer salaries and benefits, although these savings will not be sufficient to cover the costs of volunteers. The transition has led to additional personnel costs needed to attract and retain personnel under the volunteer system, diverting funds from foreign and indigenous acquisition programs, as well as near-term training and readiness. In addition, Taiwan military spending has dropped to approximately 2 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, China’s official defense budget has grown to roughly 10 times that of Taiwan’s. Recognizing China’s continued growth in military spending, Taiwan is working to integrate innovative and asymmetric measures into its defense planning in order to counter-balance China’s growing capabilities.

U.S. policy toward Taiwan derives from its One-China Policy, based on the three Joint Communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). United States policy opposes any unilateral changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by either side. The U.S. continues to support peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences in a manner acceptable to the people on both sides.

Consistent with the TRA, the United States has helped to maintain peace, security, and stability in the Taiwan Strait by providing defense articles and services to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. To this end, the United States has announced more than $12 billion in arms sales to Taiwan since 2010.

30 則留言:

  1. “解放軍入侵馬祖或金門. . . 此類侵略行為,. . .可能會激發台灣島上的台獨情緒,並招致國際反對。”
    “A PLA invasion of . . . Matsu or Jinmen . . . could galvanize pro-independence sentiment on Taiwan and generate international opposition.”

    Matzu and Kinmen are unquestionably Chinese territory. Recovering that territory from rebel KMT should not be construed as an invasion. It would amount merely to a policing mission and an internal affair of China.
    Whenever that threat to the legitimacy of the KMT materializes, the armed forces of Taiwan must go on high alert mode, arms at the ready. But they must not intervene. Not one drop of Formosan blood should be spilled over those Chinese islands.
    If the executive issues orders to defend territories legally unrelated to Taiwan, Taiwan would be construed as the aggressor. Such action would legitimize a Chinese counter-attack on Taiwan and Peng-hu.
    If such mission is demanded of the armed forces of Taiwan, they should arrest all Chinese elements and their sympathizers in the armed forces as in all branches of the administration.

  2. It is ridiculous to ask Taiwanese to look on if Matzu and Kinmen are invaded by China. Inhabitants on Matzu and Kinmen, as well as those in Taiwan, have the right to the determination of their future. Let referendums decide. Arms and violence should be condemned however sound the legal arguments may sound.

    1. 泥菩薩過江

    2. South Wind, brave heart, praised be your humanism.
      As for your grasp of international law . . . .
      Please, do yourself a favor.
      Take a sabbatical from commenting on Taiwan affairs and learn some.

    3. Oh, please, Jerome Besson, I don't need to be a historian to get common sense.
      See how you deduct nonsense from ostensible legal arguments? Me a Japanese? Let pigs fly!

    4. Have I drawn any historical link to Japan? No. It is you who were quick to infer such.
      South Wind, you did not even care to read. Pay attention, not a drop of Formosan blood must be allowed to be shed on Chinese Matzu and Kinmen. Zhongnanhai could, any time, legitimately put those areas under its constitution. The world community will not bat an eyelid over the issue.
      Your comment lets out a deep-seated bias. Bias from which your real allegiance can easily be inferred. Whether abroad or already on Taiwan, like anyone, you are entitled to your POV. Only be mindful that when those islands are Chinese, Taiwan is not..

  3. 小不忍則亂大謀


    1. 對不起,我沒說清楚。
      我的意思是: 如果中國強取金馬,台灣不出聲,那就是否定金馬居民公投自決的權利。住民自決,就跟民主價值一樣,必須要堅持。

    2. 「那就是否定金馬居民公投自決的權利」??!! Meh! Mehehhehe!
      South Wind, before you go on prattling "more on like you" do on the Chinese nationals residing on Chinese unalienable territory Matzu!!! . . . Check with the US consular authorities.
      Whenever a ROC passport holder whose place of birth and habitual abode is Matzu registers at AIT for a US visa, his/her country of origin is reported as CHINA.
      Don't you know?!

    3. What passport do Scottish people hold?

    4. 囊中物



    5. 金馬與台澎的領土地位有本質上的不同。金馬是叛亂流亡團體所控制的中國領土(在PRC與米國建交後豬羊變色;叛亂團體與合法政府角色互換),而台澎是叛亂流亡團體所佔領與託管的未定土地。法理上,若金馬想要自決獨立,那得扎實地與中國過招,最後得到中國的允諾,與中國協議好權利關係財務防務交割劃分清楚,白紙黑字寫條約簽字後,金馬才能獲得國際社會普遍的承認成為有主權的政治實體。而法理上,台澎想要自決獨立根本就��用鳥中國。可是若再考慮到目前中國的企圖丶力量與其主理內政的反分裂思維與壓制做法,今日的台澎自決不僅會做得很辛苦還要做得極為謹慎小心準備得面面俱到。金馬自決,實務上想都別想。

    6. 接續....
      今天中國在國際擺出來的態度是同將台澎與金馬視為中國的一部分,所以金馬聽中國台北之令是沒有問題的。可是若台澎自決獨立有一定的進展,中國也開始覺得併呑台澎有些難以得逞時,金馬治理權回歸的協商或是中國強行派兵索回一定會浮出檯面。我若是那時的台澎自治政府,可能會想辦法促成中國對等協調完成金馬回歸並給予中國金馬住民台澎居留權的人道協議,此例一開台澎的國際外交地位應當會大幅提升。若是要應對日後中國可能的強行軍事索回,現下就得先與中國交流提議金馬問題預先留梗,看是要按國際上的慣例步驟交割贖回還是簽約繼續託管,各種可能的想定與應對的劇本或選擇都要準備好。當年台灣充員兵莫名其妙地替蔣介石付出寶貴生命與鮮血去守住的金馬,今日的台灣政治家要有識見與能力將金馬轉變成挹注台澎未來自由的籌碼。對我而言"金馬自決"相當可能只是說好玩的wishful thinking。

  4. 在台灣島有不少的金門或馬祖人,甚至是因為唸書相識,本島人與金門或馬祖人結婚。




    1. 台灣省充其量只是ROC政府內一個機關名稱而已(正如新疆省在1992年裁撤一樣),國際法上根本不存在台灣省從ROC獨立的命題,除非ROC擁有台灣主權。不過ROC僅存的領土福建省金馬地區獨立的話,這倒是國際法上頭一遭流亡政府直接宣告成為新國家的新例。

  5. 不管任何邦國,任何地區的居民都擁有住民自決的權力。誰能說有任何國際法可以阻擋香港居民不能公投自決?當然北京政府除外。別說香港,就算圖博,維吾爾的居民,甚至廣東、廣西、雲南、四川居民要公投自決,也是天經地義。



    1. 100%支持金門馬祖居民公投自決!這才是文明!
      Good. Right. Fine. But, still, it is up to the peoples of China, including those in Fujian, to decide whether to unit or separate.
      What do you, an inhabitant of former Japanese Formosa have in common, legally speaking, with the people of Chinese Fujian or Chinese Jinmen and Chinese Matzu?
      And do not give me your fake ROC passport as an excuse, please.

    2. Fake "Taiwan Civil Government" passport or fake ROC passport?
      One is more "fake" than the other, I believe.

    3. Oh, by the way, Mr. Jerome Besson, are you an inhabitant on Taiwan?

    4. 就只能居民代表簽和平協議回歸


    5. 1) Fake "Taiwan Civil Government" passport or fake ROC passport?
      Considering that the former was issued to occupied Japanese Crown Subjects in total disregard of international law;
      Considering that holders of that apocryphal document are time and again barred from entering the country of their destination;
      Considering that the natives of the Taiwan area (Chinese Jinmen, Matzu natives excepted) have been recognized stateless persons;
      your snide remark regarding the travel documents issued by TCG is uncalled for.

      2)are you an inhabitant on Taiwan?
      Nope.Neither am I a native of the area. However, my status of nationality as a citizen of one of the signatory powers of the Treaty of Peace with Japan, my experience of Taiwan under martial law, my links to Japan where I lived long enough to earn thrice my eligibility to a Japanese passport, all these personal details entitle me to voicing my concerns and hopes for an area whose natives I assume having been victims of a raw deal because they were Japanese when Japan had to be destroyed.

  6. In Qubec, there are people who advocate for referendum, and so in Texas as well, not even to mention Scotland where one referendum was held not too long ago. Whether or not referendum can be passed, that is not the question. The question is that are there opportunities given legally and obligately to the people to choose without any pressure from outside.

    Technically, only inhabitant people have the rights, of which the neighborhood has no rights to say any thing. Otherwise, the circle of legal voting counts can be extended without limit which fundamentally defeat the purpose of referendum.


    1. The current status of sovereignty of those areas you are referring to is settled. To give consideration to the wish of minorities inside a sovereign state, the government representing the sovereign state gives assent to the holding of a referendum.
      If you think that the authorities administering the Taiwan area are already representing a sovereign state, then be my guest and keep pushing for such referendum for the Taiwan area.
      You are living in la-la-land, where the boundaries of common sense have long been erased.


  7. 這篇 :作夢聽到小英2015六月訪美的演講○七鯨智庫@民報 (2015.05.11)


  8. 班門弄斧,非我所願。

    1. 可是我所讀到的"所謂外國人所言"種種卻多只是就事論理的對應(外加一些無意義的嘲諷),並無關分化台灣與否。(SW大也太看得起Jerome大的能耐了吧?)想像十幾二十年前主張台灣獨立建國都被大多數的台澎人視為對ROC-台灣的分化~Jerome大所提的一些法理要點都是台澎得要考慮與設法妥善處置的。想要進步讓眾智得以淬煉出深廣的認識與可行的策略甚至步驟,首先先耐性不以人廢言並針對他有意義的要點批判補充發展才是正辦吧。

    2. Kiao大錯矣!我是以言廢人。

  9. 1. Sovereignty is not bestowed from vacuum, rather, from people.

    2. Sovereignty is not a prerequisite of referendum.

    A collection of inhabitants is entitled to form any kind of social groups with an administrative body usually termed as "government", and members of which are entitled to participate in the public affairs pertaining to this group. This is the fundamental ABC of politics. Without knowing the basic of political doctrine, talking about sovereignty is absolutely non-sense. No point to argue further with a nitwit.

    1. On St-Marie island, off the coast of Madagascar, Captain Kidd, his kindred souls, their native women and children too formed "a collection of inhabitants." They too, felt "entitled to form a of social group with an administrative body of their own." For better or with they certainly governed themselves following a set of rules or laws of their liking. And in accordance with their laws, "members of were entitled to participate in the public affairs pertaining to this group."

      Now, please google on till you find out how Captain Kidd wound up sentenced to hang.

