

20141107 一尖各表

This is a trick that diplomats are playing: agree to disagree.

We can view it as “One Senkakus, with respective interpretations.”    revised at 1510


分析:為實現日中首腦會談日本在最後關頭讓步○共同社 (2014.11.07) https://tchina.kyodonews.jp/news/2014/11/86075.html
  【共同社117日電】日本政府承認圍繞尖閣諸島(中國稱釣魚島)局勢與中方存在不同主張,兩國就展開磋商達成了共識。亞太經合組織 APEC)北京峰會召開在即,而能否在此期間實現日中首腦會談是最大的關注焦點。日方可謂是在最後關頭做出了讓步。原因是作為舉行首腦會談的條件,中方一直要求日方承認存在主權問題。





1 則留言:

  1. 支那の凌遅刑戦略は、おっかないって!!  
    "The Chinese statement said the two "acknowledged that different positions exist between them regarding the tensions" over the islands, while the Japanese text said they "recognised that they had different views as to the emergence of tense situations"." China media claim victory after Japan agreement (http://news.yahoo.com/china-media-claim-victory-japan-agreement-050755500.html)
    "I take it for granted that the U.S. and its allies cannot simply acquiesce and allow China to unilaterally change the status of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and their surrounding waters. True, declaring an ADIZ is a limited step, but it is fairly viewed as part of the “salami tactics” that – if permitted to continue – would likely lead to Chinese control of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and the nearby waters and resources. However, it is not enough to counter China’s most recent maneuver, only to return to the status quo ante of unsettled conflict over the status of the islands and their surrounding seas." (From Amitai Etzioni's "A Three-Pronged Approach to the ADIZ," The Diplomat, December 17, 2013, thediplomat.com/2013/12/a-three-pronged-approach-to-the-adiz/)

    Salami tactics; Salami slicing; boiling frog; Slow slicing (simplified Chinese: 凌迟; traditional Chinese: 凌遲; pinyin: língchí), also translated as death by a thousand cuts (simplified Chinese: 杀千刀; traditional Chinese: 殺千刀) or “千刀万剐”, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905. (Lingchi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_slicing)

