Mr. Zhang knew the very ISSUE for which he was ousted as a scapegoat. Zhang was against the ISSUE raised by his immediate boss - the clueless Mr. Wang during his visit to Nanking in February this year. The issue was initiated by Ma and King unilaterally and without prior approval from the principal party with controlling interests in Taiwan. These two idiots knew but always try to ignore the naked truth that TPE, abbreviated for "Exiled Government in Taipei" be in no position to propose, much less initiate and implement any idea that would likely alter the current status of Taiwan. Now that it met with the stern roadblock and they had to retreat from the ISSUE by handing out Mr. Zhang for execution first in private then in public.
Mr. Zhang knew the very ISSUE for which he was ousted as a scapegoat. Zhang was against the ISSUE raised by his immediate boss - the clueless Mr. Wang during his visit to Nanking in February this year. The issue was initiated by Ma and King unilaterally and without prior approval from the principal party with controlling interests in Taiwan. These two idiots knew but always try to ignore the naked truth that TPE, abbreviated for "Exiled Government in Taipei" be in no position to propose, much less initiate and implement any idea that would likely alter the current status of Taiwan. Now that it met with the stern roadblock and they had to retreat from the ISSUE by handing out Mr. Zhang for execution first in private then in public.