

台灣地位:2007年3月潘基文之誤與美國7月之駁 by 周威霖


20111217日第八次增補:by 周威霖


這當然是對第2758號決議案錯誤的解讀,美國政府對這個事件沒有輕輕放過,在該年七月,美國政府據說向聯合國政務副秘書長提了「一項非文件形式的九點聲明 (a nine-point demarche in the form of a "non-paper") ,重申美國的立場是「它對台灣的地位沒有採取立場( 'it takes on position on the status of Taiwan' ),同時明確地拒絕最近聯合國官員所謂的「聯合國認為台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分」( 'the organization considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC') 的陳述。美方指出:「雖然聯合國官員的指稱符合中國的立場,但它不是被包括美國在內的聯合國會員國普遍接受的立場 ( 'While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.')
美方最後指出: 如果聯合國秘書處堅持把台灣描述為中華人民共和國的一部分,------那麼美國將依據國家利益不得不與聯合國這項立場脫鉤。(If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.)

U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan

1.  The United States reiterates its One China policy which is based on the three US–China Communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act, to the effect that the United States acknowledges China's view that Taiwan is a part of China.  We take no position on the status of Taiwan.  We neither accept nor reject the claim that Taiwan is a part of China.

2.  The United States has long urged that Taiwan's status be resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.  Beyond that, we do not define Taiwan in political terms.

3.  The United States noted that the PRC has become more active in international organizations and has called on the UN Secretariat and member states to accept its claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.  In some cases, as a condition for the PRC's own participation in international organizations, Beijing has insisted the organization and its member states use nomenclature for Taiwan that suggests endorsement of China's sovereignty over the island.

4.  The United States is concerned that some UN organizations have recently asserted that UN precedent required that Taiwan be treated as a part of the PRC and be referred to by names in keeping with such status.

5.  The United States has become aware that the UN has promulgated documents asserting that the United Nations considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC."  While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.

6.  The United States noted that the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 adopted on 25 October 1971 does not in fact establish that Taiwan is a province of the PRC.  The resolution merely recognized the representation of the government of the PRC as the only lawful representation of China to the UN, and expelled the representative of Chiang Kai-shek from the seats they occupied at the UN and all related organizations.  There is no mention in Resolution 2758 of China's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.

7.  While the United States does not support Taiwan's membership in organizations such as the UN, for which statehood is a prerequisite, we do support meaningful participation by Taiwan's experts as appropriate in such organizations.  We support membership as appropriate in organizations for which such statehood is not required.

8.  The United States urged the UN Secretariat to review its policy on the status of Taiwan and to avoid taking sides in a sensitive matter on which UN members have agreed to disagree for over 35 years.

9.  If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.

David C. Chou
Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement
(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)


