



Thus, approved the Temporary regulations on registration of the newly formed legal persons with a special status in the Republic of Crimea, Provisional regulations on the Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Crimea and Temporary regulation on the Crimean customs.

From March 17, 2014 highest organ of state power of the Republic of Crimea is the Parliament of the Republic of Crimea in the current parliamentary composition for a term of office until September 2015.  The decision “On legal succession of the Republic of Crimea” at the extraordinary plenary session of the Supreme Council of the Crimea supported 85 deputies.

At the extraordinary plenary meeting of the Supreme Council of ARC on 17 March 2014 adopted a resolution “On authorized to sign interstate agreement”.  It was supported by 83 deputies.

A corresponding decision was taken at the extraordinary plenary session on March 17, 2014.
In connection with the secession of Ukraine and the proclamation of the Republic of Crimea as an independent state, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea decides:
In the official names of the authorities of the Republic of Crimea and other bodies instead of the words “the Autonomous Republic of Crimea” to use the words “Republic of Crimea”.

At the extraordinary plenary meeting of the Supreme Council of ARC on 17 March 2014 adopted the decree “About the representative body of the Republic of Crimea”.  Voted 85 deputies.
The document reads that “in connection with the secession of Ukraine and the proclamation of the Republic of Crimea as an independent state” Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea decides:
To name a representative body of the Republic of Crimea as the State Council of the Republic of Crimea - the Parliament of the Republic of Crimea and from the day of proclamation of independence of the Republic of Crimea.

At the extraordinary plenary meeting of the Supreme Council of ARC on 17 March 2014 has been adopted a resolution “On the independence of Crimea”.  Voted 85 deputies.

The decision on convocation of the extraordinary plenary meeting was made in accordance with the powers of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea in connection with the need to address certain issues.
The agenda of the extraordinary plenary meeting approved the 84 members of the Crimean Parliament.
At the meeting present deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Leonid Slutsky, Oleg Lebedev, General Consul of the Russian Federation in Simferopol Vyacheslav Svetlichny, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov and members of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, the Minister of Justice of the ARC Elena Sotnikova, the head of the security Service of ARC Pyotr Zyma, the Prosecutor of ARC Natalia Poklonskaya, the head of Tax service of Crimea Nikolay Kochanov, heads of judicial bodies of Crimea, Boris Deich, representing the interests of Crimean citizens in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

At the extraordinary plenary meeting of the Supreme Council of ARC on 17 March 2014, the Chairman of the Commission on all Crimean referendum Mikhail Malyshev announced the official results of all Crimean referendum that was held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on March 16, 2014.
The total number of participants of all Crimean referendum that took part in the vote amounted to 1 million 274 thousand 96 people (83.1%).
The number of votes of the participants of all Crimean referendum, in support of the question of all Crimean referendum “Are you for the reunification of the Crimea with Russia on the rights of the subject of the Russian Federation?” - 1 million 233 thousand 2 person (96,77%).


