

How soon? 中國的南海ADIZ

從記者會中官方對於記者口中的 alleged plan unconfirmed report 的呼應,而不是拒絕回答。可以感覺事有蹊蹺。

不僅如此,發言人還蛇足的加上 I don’t have reason to believe that they’re not happening, but I don’t myself have independent confirmation. 最後是 urge 中國。似乎為政府與媒體在四平八穩的套招,目的在「取得北京的通報ADIZ」。但記者繼續問下去,就一問三不知。
記者會提到美國特使的訪中韓日(請注意這順序),並對與日本的討論標示為  productive discussions ,並說這是近日一連串會議之一,還說大家有共同目標 These discussions are the latest in a series of regular ongoing consultations with all of our five-party partners, all of whom remain united... 。顯然要沖淡記者的提問敏感性。


QUESTION:  Do you have any response to China’s alleged plans to be implementing a new ADIZ, this time into the South China Sea?
MS. HARF:  I do, yes.  Thank you.  We have seen unconfirmed reports of Chinese preparations to declare a new ADIZ over portions of the South China Sea.  We would consider such an ADIZ over portions of the South China Sea as a provocative and unilateral act that would raise tensions and call into serious question China’s commitment to diplomatically managing territorial disputes in the South China Sea.  We’ve made very clear that parties must refrain from announcing an ADIZ or any other administrative regulation restraining activity of others in disputed territories.  And we would of course urge China not to do so.
QUESTION:  If you say they’re unconfirmed, does that mean that they haven’t notified you at all, or you haven’t been able to confirm it with them on the ground?
MS. HARF:  Yeah, let me check with our team and see.  To my knowledge, they have not, but let me check with our folks.  I know we’ve had high-level officials there recently.  I want to make sure I have the latest on that.
QUESTION:  Have you consulted with any of the other allies in Southeast Asia based on these reports?
MS. HARF:  It’s a good question.  Let me check.
QUESTION:  Okay.  Thanks.
MS. HARF:  Thank you.  Yes, go ahead.
QUESTION:  Ambassador Davies.
MS. HARF:  Uh-huh.
QUESTION:  He just wrapped up his tour of Asia today.
MS. HARF:  He did.
QUESTION:  Do you have a readout from his meetings in Tokyo?
MS. HARF:  I do.  Let me see what I have in here.  He did.  Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies wrapped up a trip that took him to Beijing, Seoul, and, of course, Tokyo, and he’s on his way home. He held productive discussions on January 31st with the Japanese assistant chief cabinet secretary on a wide range of issues related to North Korea.  These discussions are the latest in a series of regular ongoing consultations with all of our five-party partners, all of whom remain united in our pursuit of our shared objective: a denuclearized North Korea.
QUESTION:  I have a follow-up.
MS. HARF:  Uh-huh.
QUESTION:  Do you have any confirmation of the Chinese navy conducting exercises off Malaysia’s coast?
MS. HARF:  Let me see what I have on that.  I think I have something. (Coughs.)  Excuse me.  Someday I will get rid of this cold.
We are aware of reports that the Chinese navy is conducting military maneuvers in the South China Sea near the coast of Malaysia.  As we say, I think, repeatedly, claimants should avoid actions in disputed areas of the South China Sea that may raise tensions and undermine prospects for diplomacy.  We encourage all parties to use their military capabilities in a manner conducive to the maintenance of peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region.
QUESTION:  So you have no independent confirmation that they’re doing it, but you are acknowledging that there are reports of it?
MS. HARF:  I do know that the Chinese did not inform us of these activities.  I don’t have reason to believe that they’re not happening, but I don’t myself have independent confirmation.
QUESTION:  Staying on China, I have --
MS. HARF:  Uh-huh.
QUESTION:  Just on that – can we just stay on that for one second – does that – does your response mean that you have concerns about this exercise?
MS. HARF:  That we have concerns?
MS. HARF:  Again --
QUESTION:  About this specific thing.
MS. HARF:  About this specific thing?  I’ve said that in general --
MS. HARF: -- I can check if there are specific concerns about this exercise.  In general, obviously, we would encourage countries not to do maneuvers or use their military capabilities in a way that could undermine diplomatic efforts.
QUESTION:  Right.  But that’s why – so I’m --
MS. HARF:  Yep.
QUESTION:  So the question is:  Do you think that this – if you’re saying that that’s not – that you don’t want people to do things that are not conducive to that, do you have that – do you think there’s that problem here, or that this is undermining --
MS. HARF:  I think we have indications of that.  Let me check with our folks to see how much we can confirm independently.
Do you want to stay on China?
QUESTION:  During Secretary Burns’ trip, did he raise the issue of Chinese incursions into India repeatedly – repeated incursions?  I had raised this question earlier with you.
MS. HARF:  I know, and let me see if I have anything on that.  He, I know, talked broadly speaking about China’s relationship with its neighbors, resolving issues through dialogue.  I can check and see on that.  I’m not sure if I ever got an answer on that.
Yes, in the back.

4 則留言:

  1. 中共搞南海 ADIZ,就是正面與美對戰。





    1. 不會吧~現在歐巴馬對習近平非常好啊,為了朝鮮

  2. 習近平恃「寵」而驕的話,







  3. 在朝鮮一事上,

    中需要美,不會比 美需要中 少。


    中在朝鮮相關的 credit,


