

美國住廣州總領事館的健康警告 20180523

Health Alert(健康警告)
Location: Guangzhou(廣州)

Event: A U.S. government employee in China recently reported subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure.  The U.S. government is taking these reports seriously and has informed its official staff in China of this event.  We do not currently know what caused the reported symptoms and we are not aware of any similar situations in China, either inside or outside of the diplomatic community.(美國政府最近在中國的一名僱員報告說,有異常、微妙而模糊的聲音和壓力。美國政府正在認真對待這些報導,並已通報其在中國的官方工作人員。目前我們不知道是什麼引起了報導的症狀,我們也知悉在中國的外交圈內外都有類似的情況。)

Action to Take:採取席動
  • If you have concerns about any symptoms or medical problems that developed during or after a stay in China, consult a medical professional.(如果您對在中國逗留期間或之後出現的任何症狀或醫療問題有任何疑慮,請諮詢醫療專業人員。)
  • While in China, if you experience any unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises, do not attempt to locate their source.  Instead, move to a location where the sounds are not present.(在中國,如果遇到任何不尋常的急性聽覺或感覺現象,伴有不尋常的聲音或刺耳噪音,請勿嘗試查找其來源。相反的,移動到聲音不存在的位置。)
  • U.S. Consulate Guangzhou
    Tel: 020-3814 5775 or 011-86-20-3814 5775 if you are calling from the U.S.
    Email: GuangzhouACS@state.gov
  • State Department Consular Affairs
    888-407-4747 or 202-201-4444
  • Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates
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By U.S. Mission China | 23 May, 2018 | Topics: Alert, Notification


