

2015元旦升旗,國務院回覆○DoS (2015.01.06)



But why?


元旦升旗國務院回覆○DoS (2015.01.06)
QUESTION:  Yesterday, I think about if former President Chen Shui-bian’s medical parole you had some statement but didn’t bring it up.  Could you set it on the record?
And regarding the flag raising ceremony, you said U.S. didn’t know that in advance.  Taiwan’s representative in the U.S. admit that he didn’t inform U.S. in advance but they have reached understanding afterward.  And U.S. official said they can just – left everything behind and move on.  I wonder if this is true.
MS. PSAKI:  I don’t have anything to add to yesterday, which I already gave an on-the-record comment yesterday.  I don’t know if you have a new question to offer.  I’m happy to answer it if you do.

QUESTION:  You mean President Chen Shui-bian’s medical parole?
MS. PSAKI:  Oh, yes, that.  Sure.  Let’s see.  We have noted former President Chen Shui-bian’s release on medical parole while the United States has raised concerns about Mr. Chen’s health with the Taiwan authorities.  We were not involved in his release.  This issue was for the Taiwan authorities to decide.

QUESTION:  And Jen, about the flag-raising ceremony yesterday, you said U.S. did not – notified – was not notified in advance, but Taiwan’s government said they have reached understanding afterward.  Could you comment on that?
MS. PSAKI: Well, one, I think I would just reiterate what I said yesterday, is that it’s inconsistent with our policy, and not notified in advance means you didn’t know about it in advance, which seems consistent with what you just said.
Do we have any more on Taiwan?

QUESTION:  Well, yeah, because after the briefing yesterday, I read a couple of reports about this and I’m just – had it previously been not allowed for the Taiwanese mission here to raise the flag at the representative’s office – residence?
MS. PSAKI:  Well, I think the issue is that it’s inconsistent with the spirit of our policy, and it’s violated our longstanding understanding on the conduct of our unofficial relations.  I’m not sure if there was a previous incident to speak of.

QUESTION: So – well, had the Chinese – well, you were asked yesterday if the Chinese had complained directly to you.  Do you know if they have?
MS. PSAKI:  I don’t have any more specifics on that.  I’d point you to the Chinese.

QUESTION:  But this is the first time you’re aware of this ever happening?
MS. PSAKI:  I don’t have any historic record of flag-raising issues, so I don’t have a confirmation of that or not.

QUESTION:  Is there any repercussion, is there any consequence to people – I mean, I presume that there’s an American flag at the AIT in Taipei, yeah?  I mean, is there any – does it have any consequence that they --
MS. PSAKI:  Well, we’re in discussions with – U.S. officials in Taipei and Washington are in discussions with Taiwan authorities about the matter.  I don’t have any other specifics for you.

QUESTION:  And what’s the – how does it get remedied?  Did they have to take it down?
MS. PSAKI:  I just don’t have anything to predict for you at this point.

QUESTION:  Well, wait.  But can we find out?  Because as --
MS. PSAKI:  If I have something more to offer, I’m happy to share it.  I’m not sure that I will at this point, because we’re still discussing with them.

QUESTION:  So Jen, does the U.S. consider it (inaudible) or official capacity?
MS. PSAKI:  Well, I think it’s not about the U.S. views it – it’s a representative compound; it’s not a private person’s home.
Go ahead.

QUESTION:  Just to follow up, when you said yesterday the ceremony is not consistent with U.S. policy, so what kind of message you would like to deliver to Taiwan, such as “Don’t do that again,” or --
MS. PSAKI:  I think the message is what we’ve been conveying, which is that we’re disappointed with the action.  It’s – the flag-raising ceremony violated our longstanding understanding on the conduct of our unofficial relations.  We have a robust set of cultural relations, but we do not have diplomatic relations.  And we’ll continue to discuss this with the proper officials.

QUESTION:  But that’s a bit more than you said yesterday.  You’re disappointed in it.
MS. PSAKI:  I believe I said exactly that yesterday.

QUESTION:  You did say that? Okay.
MS. PSAKI:  But –

QUESTION:  I must have missed it.  Well, regarding other disputed areas, I mean, would you have the same problem if – I don’t know, if the Dalai Lama’s office here put a Tibetan flag up?
MS. PSAKI:  We can discuss that if that happens, Matt. I’m happy to talk to our team about that.

2 則留言:

  1. 這代表美國依據的是TRA、依此和台灣人打交道、但高級外省人裝作不知到、升旗強調的是:台灣也是中國(repulic of CHINA).所以這和對等沒關係、而是美國的三公報一中原則和台灣關係法的內涵.擔心的是不明就理的台灣仔將車輪牌當作自己的圖騰膜拜、還跑去和美國抗議.

  2. 愛升車輪旗, 就順水貼標籤,
    升車輪旗是"獨台", 升其他的旗是"台獨".
    標籤貼下去後, 全台灣都是反統一份子. 北京會比較頭痛.

