



共同聲明說如此:By committing to remove and dispose all HEU and separated plutonium from the FCA, Japan and the United States reaffirm our belief that the most cutting edge sciences do not necessarily require the use of the most proliferation sensitive materials.  In this context, our two countries plan to work together to design new enhancements to the FCA, expanding the facility’s scope to include important research on the transmutation and disposition of nuclear waste.  Additionally, to ensure that Japan can safely and securely further its important work on nuclear research and medical isotope production, the United States will continue to accept research reactor spent fuel from several Japanese facilities that utilize LEU.

日繳核武原料 助歐巴馬核安峰會立威 仍擁40噸鈽未釋疑○鉅亨網(2014.03.25http://news.cnyes.com/Content/20140325/KIUAN04K7AZFK.shtml?c=detail
第三屆核安全峰會周一 (24) 起在荷蘭海牙舉行。會前日本首相安倍晉三及美國總統歐巴馬發表聯合聲明,宣布日本向美國交出一批高濃縮鈾及鈽元素 (Plutonium),準備銷毀。美國及日本官員透露,日本交出逾300公斤武器級鈽元素及估計達205公斤高濃縮鈾。美國傳媒形容,這是歐巴馬推動核安全的最大勝利。不過,日本交出的核原料只屬整體存量的小部分,現時擁有40噸鈽元素,惹起外界質疑

香港《明報》報導,由白宮公布的聯合聲明稱,日本交出的數百公斤核原料現存於日本原子能研究開發機構設於茨城縣東海村的快中子臨界實驗裝置內 (FCA),運抵美國後將被送到保安嚴密的核設施中,轉化為較不活躍的狀態鈽元素則會準備作「最後處置」。聲明指出,今次行動旨在進一步推動減少全球高濃縮鈾及鈽元素存量的共同目標,以助減少未獲授權者、罪犯或恐怖分子取得核原料的機會。


美國國家安全委員會總統特別助理舍伍德-蘭達爾 (Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall) 指出,日本同意交出核原料,是歐巴馬推動核安全政策以來與會國家作出的最大承諾,反映日本在防止核武擴散問題上的共同領導地位。不過,美日兩國此前長年對雙方的核研究合作秘而不宣,日本傳媒報導,華府過往要求日本歸還核材料時,日本藉辭推搪,直至早前才因顧慮一味拒絕可能影響到日美關係,於是決定歸還。安倍上台以來積極強化日本軍事力量,共同社曾引首相官邸消息人士稱,歸還核原料目的還在於「消除國際社會對日本有意擴大軍備的擔憂」。



日本斥資210億美元於青森縣六所村興建核燃料處理廠,將於今年秋季啟用,估計每年可從廢棄核燃料中提煉出多達8噸鈽元素,用於生產核電。日本外務省官員透露,日方將在今次核峰會上,討論處理廠的運作,並重申不會生產超出需求的鈽。國際原子能機構 (IAEA) 亦指出,日本核原料全用於和平用途,無證據顯示有軍事用途。



白宮科技政策局前助理總監費特 (Steve Fetter) 指出,日本製造核武的能力引起鄰國不信任,加上領土糾紛加劇,中國難免認為日本別有用心。另一方面,國際嘗試阻止伊朗儲存可製核武的核原料,但容許日本及韓國等盟友興建核燃料處理設施,或阻礙核談判進展。

(Plutonium) 是一種具放射性的金屬,擁有20種同位素,主要以人工合成製造,其中-239可用於生產核武及用作核燃料。含有超過93% -239的屬武器級別,只需約8公斤便足以製作核彈。

同為放射性金屬的鈾 (Uranium) 主要有3種同位素,最常見的是-235,濃度約2%5%的鈾-235為低濃縮鈾,可用以發電,濃度高於80%的為高濃縮鈾,而濃度高於90%的屬武器級高濃縮鈾,不過濃度超過20%的濃縮鈾已可用以製作小型核彈

Joint Statement by the Leaders of Japan and the United States on Contributions to Global Minimization of Nuclear MaterialWhite House (2014.03.24)
Recalling the history of Japan-U.S. bilateral collaboration on advanced nuclear activities as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) conclusion that all nuclear materials in Japan stay in peaceful activities;
Recalling Japan-U.S. cooperation including through the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) which strengthened nuclear security worldwide by reducing sensitive nuclear material in Japan and other countries and securely transporting the material to the United States; and,
Recalling President Obama’s remarks at Hradcany Square, Prague, Czech Republic on April 5, 2009;
Japan and the United States reaffirm our determination to strengthen nuclear security and to further cooperate, through activities such as our bilateral Nuclear Security Working Group and the GTRI, toward our mutual goal of preventing nuclear terrorism.
Today in The Hague, the Netherlands, on the occasion of the third Nuclear Security Summit, Prime Minister Abe and President Obama pledged to remove and dispose all highly-enriched uranium (HEU) and separated plutonium from the Fast Critical Assembly (FCA) at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in Japan.  This effort involves the elimination of hundreds of kilograms of nuclear material, furthering our mutual goal of minimizing stocks of HEU and separated plutonium worldwide, which will help prevent unauthorized actors, criminals, or terrorists from acquiring such materials.  This material, once securely transported to the United States, will be sent to a secure facility and fully converted into less sensitive forms.  The plutonium will be prepared for final disposition.  The HEU will be downblended to low enriched uranium (LEU) and utilized for civilian purposes. 
By committing to remove and dispose all HEU and separated plutonium from the FCA, Japan and the United States reaffirm our belief that the most cutting edge sciences do not necessarily require the use of the most proliferation sensitive materials.  In this context, our two countries plan to work together to design new enhancements to the FCA, expanding the facility’s scope to include important research on the transmutation and disposition of nuclear waste.  Additionally, to ensure that Japan can safely and securely further its important work on nuclear research and medical isotope production, the United States will continue to accept research reactor spent fuel from several Japanese facilities that utilize LEU.
This pledge complements the significant role that both Japan and the United States are playing in finding new ways to continue improving global nuclear security.  Many of the remaining gains that the international community can make in this area will require difficult decisions, and Japan has demonstrated its leadership by resolving to remove all special nuclear material from the FCA, consistent with all Summit Communiqués’ spirit to minimize stocks of nuclear material.  Our two countries encourage others to consider what they can do to further HEU and plutonium minimization.

1 則留言:

  1. 個人認為不同文化,其技術的發展會不同,看來歐是非常恐懼安倍,準備再次拔日本的核子牙。(第一次是19450815後)

