

美國海軍面對中國對南海主張的挑戰 CA News Ottawa 20200430 Taimocracy翻譯


The operations take place amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing for the management of the coronavirus and after the American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused China of exploiting the attention given to the pandemic of “mistreating” its neighbors in the South China Sea (SCS).
在華盛頓和北京間就防治冠狀病毒緊張關係日益加劇,及美國國務卿Mike Pompeo指責中國「虐待」南中國海鄰國對大流行病的關注後,開始行動了。

The guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill on Wednesday “affirmed the navigation rights and freedoms in the Spratly Islands in accordance with international law,” said Cmdr. Reann Mommsen, spokesman for the 7th Navy fleet, in a note.
7海軍艦隊發言人Reann Mommsen司令在周三一份報告中指出:導彈巡洋艦「邦克山」號導彈了根據國際法在南沙群島的航行權利和自由。

The Spratlys, called the Nansha Islands by China, are located in the southern part of the South China Sea of ​​1.3 million square miles.  While several countries have claims to the chain of islands, the United States has long accused China of militarizing the Spratly Islands by deploying surface-to-air anti-ship missiles and long-range surface-to-air missiles on Chinese outposts.

This freedom of navigation operation confirmed the legitimate rights, freedoms and uses of the sea recognized by international law by challenging the restrictions on innocent passage imposed by China, Vietnam and Taiwan,” said Mommsen.

On Tuesday, the guided missile destroyer USS Barry conducted a navigation freedom mission near the Paracel Islands, which are called the Xisha Islands from China, defying Beijing’s claims on the waters around the islands in the northern areas of the South China Sea.
週二,導彈驅逐艦巴里號(USS Barry)在Paracel群島(中國稱為西沙群島)附近,進行了航行自由任務,否認北京對南海北部島嶼周圍水域的主張。

U.S. shipping freedom operations in the South China Sea are not uncommon, but typically occur weeks or more apart.

New American strategy   美國的新戰略
Back-to-back missions are indicative of a new Pentagon strategy – “strategic predictability, operational unpredictability” – to keep enemies in hot pursuit, said Timothy Heath, senior defense researcher with the think tank Rand Corp. in Virginia.
維吉尼亞州智庫蘭德公司(Rand Corp.)的高級國防研究員Timothy Heath表示,「連續性」的任務表明了五角大樓的新戰略—戰略可預測性,作戰不可預測性

Heath indicated a similar move earlier in the month in which the U.S. Air Force ended its presence of continuous bombers on the island of Guam, opting instead to move B-1, B-2 and B-52 to the region, whenever the Pentagon deems it appropriate.

Just as the Guam bombers are no longer constantly present there, U.S. naval forces in the South China Sea are likely to carry out operations and activities according to unusual patterns that are incompatible with past and predictable patterns,” said Heath.

The U.S. Navy has said that back-to-back operations are normal as usual.

US forces operate daily in the South China Sea,” said Mommsen.

The United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law permits, regardless of where excessive maritime demands occur and regardless of current events,” he said.

US Navy Spec. Kevin Rodruigez, of Hartford, Md., Photographs a surface contact from aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill on Wednesday near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
星期三,馬里蘭州哈特福德的美國海軍專家Kevin Rodruigez,在南中國海的南沙群島附近的導彈巡洋艦「邦克山」號導彈上拍攝到水面接觸。

For its part, Beijing said after Tuesday’s US Paracels operation that Washington is increasing tensions in the region and at the same time hindering the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“China urges the United States to focus on its business with the prevention and control of the pandemic, to make more contributions to the global fight against Covid-19 and to immediately stop military operations that are harmful to security, peace and regional stability,” Senior Col Li Huamin, spokesman for the command of the Southern Liberation Army People’s Theater, said in a statement.

China also claimed to have deployed the military to warn USS Barry of the waters near the Paracels on Tuesday.
中國還聲稱:已於週二在西沙群島附近的水域部署了軍隊,以警告USS Barry

Analyst Carl Schuster, a former U.S. Navy captain, said the claim could have had much to do with Wednesday’s repeat operation in the Spratlys.
前美國海軍上尉Carl Schuster表示,這可能與週三在南沙的重複行動有很大關係。

China claimed to have expelled the US Navy from those waters.  This is one way of showing that it has not done so,” said Schuster.

Pompeo criticizes China  龐皮歐批評中國
On April 23, the US secretary of state stated that it was Beijing that was using the pandemic to promote its claims in the South China Sea.

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is exerting military pressure and forcing its neighbors into the SCS, even going so far as to sink a Vietnamese fishing vessel.  The United States is firmly opposed to Chinese bullying and we hope that other nations will also take them into account,” Pompeo wrote in a joint announcement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on efforts to combat coronavirus.

Pompeo also cited China’s imposition of new administrative districts around the island chains beyond which US warships sailed this week as an example of its pressure on the South China Sea.

China claims almost all of the South China Sea as sovereign territory and has aggressively affirmed its participation in recent years.  In addition to building and fortifying coral reefs and islands, Beijing has sent scout ships to assert mining rights and deployed a large number of coast guards in the area.  In recent years it has also worked constantly to modernize and expand the PLA Navy to protect what Beijing calls its sovereign territory.

Earlier this month he established the Xisha district and the Nansha district under the city of Sansha, a prefecture-level city on the island of Woody in the Paracels.  The move consolidates centralized control over the islands from a single city.

Ryan Browne and Kylie Atwood of CNN contributed to this report.

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