

美駐軍國家 川普擬要求外收5成軍費 自由20190310

The station of the US troop in allies was from the end of WWII.  It is the policy to meet the needs of the military occupation and the Cold War.  The former was a traditional measure to ensure the reparations; while the latter was to construct the post-war world order.

After the long seven decades, it is, of course, to reduce the former and to review the latter.
Seeing the high soaring cost of the weapon systems, it is fair for allies to take the burden-sharing.

美駐軍國家 川普擬要求外收5成軍費    自由20190310
「全額負擔外加50%」 逼盟國增國防預算

數名匿名美國官員八日表示,白宮已要求國防部蒐集美軍派駐外國的軍費支出,以及這些國家的負擔金額等資料,以施壓盟國協助抵銷美國駐軍所需的支出。率先報導此事的彭博指出,根據白宮的指示,行政部門正擬定所謂的「費用加五成」(Cost Plus 50)計畫,要求德國、日本與最終其他所有美軍駐紮的國家,為美軍駐紮該國境內的所有開支買單,外加至少五成費用。





Donald Trump demanding allies hosting US troops cover full cost of deployment plus some extra    The Telegraph 20190308
Donald Trump is demanding that allies with US troops stationed in their countries pay for the privilege in a concerted drive to bring down costs.

The US president wants such countries to not just cover the full cost of US troop deployment but also pay America an extra amount for the service.

Mr Trump upset negotiations with South Korea late last year by demanding “cost plus 50”, which means paying the full cost of deployment plus a further 50 per cent.

The demand contributed to just a one-year deal being signed with South Korea, where 28,000 US troops are stationed, rather than the usual five-year agreement.

The push has alarmed experts and former officials who warned that seeing the arrangements in pure cost terms downplays the strategic advantage it brings America.

Details of the drive were first reported by Bloomberg News and confirmed by The Daily Telegraph.

It is understood that not all countries with US troops are being asked to pay "cost plus 50", with the exact extra percentage varying for each ally.

Furthermore the demand is seen as an opening position which may be negotiated down during talks.  Little focus is said to have been put on the set up in Britain to date.

The push is in line with Mr Trump’s repeated demands in public that allies must do more to cover the cost of America's military protection.

He has made a high profile push for Nato members to meet their commitment to spend 2 per cent of GDP on defence.  Britain is one of the few members hitting the target.

The drive may be especially significant for Germany, which, according to an expert quoted by Bloomberg, currently pays just 28 per cent of the cost of US troops stationed there - around $1 billion.

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Donald Trump hold a joint news conference in the White House in March 2017

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has angered Mr Trump by failing to hit Nato’s 2 per cent defence spending target.  It is one of a number of issues they have publicly clashed over.

Garrett Marquis, the spokesman at the White House’s National Security Council, said: “Getting allies to increase their investment in our collective defense and ensure fairer burden-sharing has been a long-standing US goal. 

“The Administration has prioritized this issue: for example the President has pushed Nato Allies to meet the Alliance’s 2 percent of GDP on defense spending guideline, which is resulting in a total of $100 billion in new defense spending.

“The Administration is committed to getting the best deal for the American people elsewhere too, but will not comment on any ongoing deliberations regarding specific ideas.”

In a separate development, the Pentagon issued a severe warning to Turkey - a fellow member of Nato - over its plans to buy the Russian S-400 air defense system.

Charlie Summers, the Pentagon's acting press secretary, said: "If Turkey takes the S-400, there would be grave consequence in terms of our military relationship".

He suggested that Turkey could be blocked from buying America's F-35 and Patriot defence systems if it went ahead with the Russia purchase.


