

駐韓軍費談不攏 川普要年年換約 聯合20181229

Defense is never a free lunch. 

The one who receive foreign protection should pay the related costs in versatile measures, such as cash, direct budgets, labors, in-kind contributions, service, the providing of facilities and areas, tariff differentiation, and so on. 

The existing Special Measures Agreement (SMA) was concluded at Seoul February 2, 2014 with the Implementation Arrangement and the Exchanges of Notes and Correcting Notes.

The SMA is for 28,500-strong USFK and "operational support" from American forces outside Korea, which implies that S. Korea should bear the responsibility of regional security, including aircraft carriers, long-range bombers and nuclear submarines.

Since the end of the Pacific War, S. Korea receives UN and the US protection for more than seven decades, seeing the threat from N. Korea among others, S. Korea has to pay to get more independence it desires.  There is no free lunch as such.

South Korea, US begin talks on sharing defense costs    The Korean Times 20181229
South Korea and the United States opened another round of negotiations Wednesday on sharing the cost of American troops stationed on the Korean peninsula amid differences over how much Seoul should pay.

Senior diplomats of the allies started the two-day session at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul at around 10 a.m., officials said.  It's the sixth round of talks this year aimed at deciding new terms related to South Korea's financial burden for the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK).

It comes as Washington wants Seoul to pay far more for the 28,500-strong USFK and "operational support" from American forces outside Korea.

Operational support includes the deployment of so-called strategic assets, such as aircraft carriers, long-range bombers and nuclear submarines to counter North Korea's military threats.

It's a new category in the bilateral Special Measures Agreement (SMA) that dates back to the early 1990s.

South Korea has divided the bill for the USFK into three sectors: payroll, construction and logistics.

Speaking at a National Assembly session on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha said there's still a wide gap between the two sides over the issue.

She stressed the government is striving to reach a "reasonable" agreement in a "transparent" manner.

Seoul's share increased to around 960 billion won ($856 million) in 2018 under the latest five-year accord from 150 billion won in 1991, according to government data.  The current SMA contract is to expire at the end of this year.

The allies started negotiations on a new agreement in Honolulu in March, followed by talks on Jeju Island, in Washington D.C., Seoul and Seattle.

South Korea is represented by Chang Won-sam, a career diplomat who served as ambassador to Sri Lanka, and his counterpart is Timothy Betts, deputy assistant secretary of state for plans, programs and operations. (Yonhap)

駐韓軍費談不攏 川普要年年換約    聯合20181229



韓美簽署第十次「防衛費分擔特別協定」的協商面臨困難,美國要求南韓上調五成防衛費分擔額。 按照目前實行的第九次「防衛費分擔特別協定」,今年南韓分擔額為九千六百零二億韓元(約台幣二百六十四億元),約占整體防衛費的一半。


