

Malabar:日本將參加美印軍演○WSJ (2014.07.23)

Modi 與安倍有良好關係,也是2012年率先恭賀安倍上台的各國政要,但上任之後卻延遲訪日,怪哉。

日本將參加美印軍演○WSJ (2014.07.23) http://cn.wsj.com/big5/20140723/bas094339.asp?source=whatnews2





新德里智庫政策研究學會” (Society for Policy Studies) 研究員、前印度海軍軍官巴斯卡爾 (Uday Bhaskar) 說,這反映出一種新的戰略環境,顯示出印度和其他國家對中國相關活動的不安。他表示,為了應對中國崛起,印度正試圖營造一個集合多國力量共同遏制中國的環境


印度和日本從2012年開始進行雙邊軍演。今年1月,兩國的海岸警衛隊阿拉伯海進行了聯合演習。印度新總理莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 與日本首相安倍晉三關係密切,可以預見這兩個亞洲民主國家必將走得更近。





中國方面一直在尋求改善與印度的經貿關係。中國官員已經向莫迪伸出橄欖枝,中印兩國以及其他金磚國家最近達成了一項協議,將共同成立一家新的開發銀行,挑戰由西方主導的世界銀行 (World Bank) 和國際貨幣基金組織 (International Monetary Fund)

印度和平與沖突研究所 (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies) 分析師、前印度海軍總參謀助理K. Raja Menon稱,印度正在做兩手準備,同時發展與中國和日本間的關係,這是明智的外交手段

印度海軍發言人D.K. Sharma稱,印度將出動一艘護衛艦、一艘驅逐艦、一艘補給船以及800名海軍參加為期一周的聯合軍演,軍演將包括反海盜和反恐演習;軍演將幫助印度、日本和美國為將來三國海軍不得不開展戰術合作的情況做準備。


雖然美中兩國關係緊張,但中國海軍將參加一個由美國主導的、為期一個月的海軍演習。美國和中國官員認為這是兩國軍事關係改善的跡象。不過美國太平洋艦隊 (U.S. Pacific Fleet) 稱,中國在未獲邀請的情況下派出了一艘海監船前往夏威夷附近的公海,凸顯出中美關係中警惕的一面。

Niharika Mandhana

India, US, Japan to participate in Malabar naval exercise○India.com (2014.07..18) http://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/india-us-japan-to-participate-in-malabar-naval-exercise_948255.html
Washington: In an effort to strengthen the trilateral cooperation, Japan will participate in this year's Malabar naval exercise to be held at the end of this month, with India and the US.

"Japan will participate in MALABAR this year which is our largest bilateral naval exercise with India and it's scheduled to take place at the end of this month," Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia Amy Searight told lawmakers during a Congressional hearing on Thursday.

The Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Nisha Desai Biswal said there is strong trilateral partnership between the three countries.

"We were about to hold the fifth iteration of the US-India-Japan trilat earlier this summer.  We have had to reschedule that but we have seen a tremendous growth in the amount of collaboration that we're able to have, not only in terms of sharing of intelligence and analysis but also looking at active areas of cooperation," she said.

The Malabar series has historically been an Indo-US affair, but its scope has widened with Japan being invited for the annual naval engagement.

"We will be doing joint exercises with Japan and India in the MALABAR exercises later this fall.  And we see opportunities for increasing the collaboration across Southeast Asia.  We are engaging more frequently in consultations and dialogue with the Indians on ASEAN and look forward to increased and frequent consultations across the East Asia sphere," Biswal said while replying to a question from Senator John McCain.

Lisa Curtis of The Heritage Foundation said there's a realm opportunity to build the US-India-Japan trilateral cooperation.

In the past few years India has focused increasingly on buttressing security ties with Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam to meet the challenges of a rapidly rising China, she said.

"Indo-Japanese ties, in particular, are expected to get a major boost under Modi's administration since Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are both increasingly concerned about China and appear prepared to take new policy directions to deal with the challenges posed by Beijing's rapid military and economic ascendance," Curtis said.

Both the heads of state, Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi have developed a close personal rapport, she said.

"As Chief Minister, Modi traveled to Japan in 2007, marking the first time an Indian Chief Minister had travelled to the country.  Modi was one of the first foreign dignitaries to congratulate Abe when he was re-elected in 2012. The recent postponement of Modi's visit to Japan is all the more perplexing, given the history of the personal relationship between Abe and Modi," she added. 


