With the title “Information sharing on COVID-19,” a general title that
people ignore easily, WHO replied the question concerning the membership of
The question was raised by the host of "The Pulse," a program
of the Radio Television Hong Kong, in an interview of Bruce Aylward, the heard
of the Joint International Mission to China.
Aylward was so embarrassed that he had to cut the line because he could
not answer the question.
The curious part is that the WHO used “Taiwanese” six times, except one,
instead of “Chinese Taipei” as it always did, in the statement later.
What might that imply? What Taiwan
government, or worse, what Beijing has done to make things this way?
sharing on COVID-19 WHO 20200329
WHO’s focus at all times is to ensure that all areas of the globe have
the information they need to manage the
health of their people. In a recent
interview, the WHO official who headed the joint
international mission to China, did not
answer a question on Taiwan’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The question of Taiwanese membership in WHO is up
to WHO Member States, not WHO staff. However, WHO is working closely with all
health authorities who are facing the current coronavirus pandemic, including Taiwanese health experts.
The Taiwanese caseload is low
relative to population. We continue to
follow developments closely. WHO is
taking lessons learned from all areas, including Taiwanese
health authorities, to share best practices globally.
With respect to the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO Secretariat works with Taiwanese health experts and authorities,
following established procedures, to facilitate a fast and effective response
and ensure connection and information flow.
There is a Taiwanese International Health
Regulations Point of Contact, who receives IHR (2005) communications and
has access to the Event Information Site (EIS)
Platform (a password-protected database and information exchange
mechanism supporting the IHR (2005)).
The Taiwanese Field Epidemiology Training Program is a member of the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health
Interventions Network (also known as “TEPHINET”). WHO shares Global Outbreak Alert and Response
Network alerts and requests for assistance with TEPHINET, and those messages
are cascaded to the TEPHINET members.
Two Taiwanese public health
experts participated in the Global Research
and Innovation Forum organized by WHO on 11-12 February 2020, thus
contributing, alongside other world scientists, including from mainland China,
to critical research questions and to finding ways to work together to advance
the response.
WHO staff work around the world to respond to this pandemic with the best
evidence-based guidance and operational support available
for all people, based on public health needs. Membership in WHO
and status issues are decided by Member States and the rules they set at WHO’s governing body, the World
Health Assembly.
Information about COVID-19 can be found here: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Releases Statement on Taiwan's Membership|WHO聲明:台灣能否參與WHO 會員國決定 公視 20200330
香港電台記者 vs. WHO助理秘書長 布魯斯艾爾沃德(2020.03.28):「(WHO會重新考慮讓台灣加入嗎?) 哈囉,不好意思,我聽不到你的問題。(OK,我重複一遍。」 不,沒關係,換一題吧!」
香港電台記者 vs. WHO助理秘書長 布魯斯艾爾沃德(2020.03.28):「我們已經談過中國,你知道,當你看到,中國所有不同地區,他們真的做得很棒。」
我是看到在這段「Two Taiwanese public health experts ....」這段中出現 including from mainland China...
回覆刪除怎麼不直接寫 China?
還是 China = mainland China + Hong kong + Macau?
回覆刪除from:護台胖犬 劉仕傑 【 WHO破天荒發表聲明談論台灣參與議題】
from: 姜冠宇
IMHO, the statement uses the word "authorities" but not "government" or the formal title "Ministry of Health and Welfare" to avoid the statehood of Taiwan. In addition, it inserts the clause "including from mainland China" in purpose because you can totally remove it without lost the meaning of the sentence.
台灣雞婆的主動連絡,現在派上用場了:WHO is working closely with all health authorities who are facing
the current coronavirus pandemic, including Taiwanese health experts.- 給了你一個世界級的小地方、OK,
給了你這個小地方一個世界級的待遇,如同 西藏、新疆。who are facing 蛤,差一點點差很多────!