

美國:「川普為終戰做準備,金正恩承諾廢棄濃縮設施」 東亞日報20190202

It is just a naive guess and expectation of the Dong-A Ilbo.  The meeting is going to be held ahead is working-level.  It has no authority to do this.
By the way, the declaration to end a war is not always domestic.

美國:「川普為終戰做準備,金正恩承諾廢棄濃縮設施」    東亞日報20190202


他說:“美國國務卿蓬佩奧去年104日訪朝時,朝鮮國務委員會委員長金正恩承諾廢棄和廢除鈈、鈾濃縮設施。”他表示,“更重要的是,朝鮮承諾將采取更多措施and more)。”“(為實現最終無核化,)應通過全面申報,徹底掌握朝鮮的大量殺傷性武器和導彈項目。”

比根針對談判失敗的情況表示,“美國擁有應急計劃contingency plan)”。他在向朝鮮施壓要求履行無核化的同時也表示,“將與朝鮮磋商,朝鮮希望美國以什麽樣的同時措施,作為朝鮮同意拆除濃縮設施的代價”。


Trump is ready to end this war, Biegun says
 Stephen Biegun, the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea, has revealed Washingtons willingness to declare an end to the Korean War, urging North Korea to report its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and missiles.  This signals that the second North Korea-U.S. summit may yield an end-of-war declaration and measures to establish a peace regime if Pyongyang takes bold steps to get rid of its nuclear arsenal.

President Trump is ready to end this war, Biegun said in a speech at the Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) of Stanford University on Thursday (local time).  We are not seeking to topple the North Korean regime.

Biegun stressed that during Secretary of State Mike Pompeos October meetings in Pyongyang, Chairman Kim Jong Un committed to the dismantlement and destruction of North Koreas plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities.  Finally and importantly, in describing to us their commitment to dismantle and destroy their plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities, the North Koreans have also added the critical words and more,’” he said.  Before the process of denuclearization can be final, we must also have a complete understanding of the full extent of the North Korean weapons of mass destruction missile programs.

We need to have contingencies if the diplomatic process fails, which we do, he said, calling for Pyongyang to take necessary steps toward denuclearization.  Still, he also said, Chairman Kim qualified next steps on North Koreas plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities upon the United States taking corresponding measures.  Exactly what these measures are is a matter I plan to discuss with my North Korean counterpart.

Meanwhile, the State Department has announced that Biegun will visit Seoul Sunday to hold talks with his South Korean counterpart Lee Do-hoon ahead of the additional working-level talks with North Korea.  A source in Washington said that the U.S.-North Korea working-level discussion may be held at the truce village of Panmunjom or even in Pyongyang.  President Trump had earlier said he would announce the location of the second summit next week.


