


關切中國干預台灣選舉指控 美參議員致函國務卿    中央社 20181219

這封由民主黨籍聯邦參議員瑪斯托(Catherine Cortez-Masto)、庫恩斯(Chris Coons)、班奈特(Michael Bennet),以及共和黨籍外交委員會亞太小組主席賈德納(Cory Gardner)、盧比歐(Marco Rubio)與克魯茲(Ted Cruz)共同署名的信函,於13日送交給蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)、財政部長梅努欽(Steven Mnuchin)、國家情報總監柯茨(Dan Coats)與聯邦調查局(FBI)局長瑞伊(Christopher Wray)。




信函指出,正如美國國務院副助理國務卿巴斯比(Scott Busby11月訪問台北時所言:「當印太地區其他地方面臨民主倒退和人權侵犯的時候,台灣是他們的重要典範。鑑於所面臨的挑戰,台灣和美國這樣的民主體制應站在一起,推動一個免於壓迫、審查和剝削、且更光明的未來,這一點尤為重要。」


The full text of the letter is below:    Taimocracy翻譯
Dear Secretaries Pompeo and Mnuchin, Directors Coats and Wray:

We write with concern about allegations that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interfered in Taiwan’s recent elections.  CCP attempts to erode democratic processes and norms around the world threaten U.S. partnerships and prosperity.  Allegations such as those surrounding Taiwan’s recent elections must therefore be pursued with seriousness and urgency.  We appreciate the actions your departments are already taking to address CCP foreign interference.  We encourage you to work closely with Taiwan authorities to thoroughly investigate these allegations and, if necessary, take swift action to deter future CCP interference in elections in Taiwan or elsewhere across the globe.

In the lead-up to Taiwan’s local elections on November 24, 2018, Taiwan authorities and independent observers alleged that the CCP used illegal funds and disinformation to influence the election results in favor of the CCP’s strategic interests.  It is not our intent, nor our role, to question the veracity or fairness of the electoral outcome.  Rather, in an era of growing authoritarian interference, we believe such allegations must be taken seriously if free societies are to continue to thrive.  If true, CCP interference in Taiwan’s elections would be deeply concerning not only for Taiwan’s future, but also for fellow democracies around the world where the CCP may choose to interfere.

Taiwan authorities’ statements suggest that illegal campaign contributions to pro-Beijing political candidates were one of the primary tools of alleged CCP interference.  In October, Taiwan authorities announced that they were investigating 33 cases of alleged funding from China to political campaigns in Taiwan.  If true, the donations would be in violation of Taiwan’s Political Donations Act and the Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.  Indeed, Taiwan investigators reportedly conducted raids on two illicit money exchanges funneling money to pro-Beijing election activities in Taiwan.  Authorities are also investigating allegations that CCP-linked individuals tried to bribe or coerce voters.

Taiwan authorities have also accused the CCP of using disinformation to shape public opinion of political candidates deemed unsympathetic to Beijing’s interests.  They allege the CCP spread false information through social media and messaging platforms, including Facebook, Line, and the online bulletin board, PTT.  Some candidates have even claimed to possess evidence showing that these disinformation campaigns originated from mainland Chinese IP addresses.

As Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of State Scott Busby said last month in Taiwan, “At a time of democratic backsliding and human rights abuses elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific region, Taiwan serves as an invaluable model to others.  And given the challenges we all face, it is especially important that democracies like Taiwan and the United States stand together in promoting a brighter future, free of repression, censorship, and exploitation.”  In the spirit of DAS Busby’s remarks, we write to express our support for efforts to counter interference of this nature and to state unequivocally that we stand shoulder to shoulder with democracies fighting attempts to undermine their sovereignty and freedom.  We encourage your departments to do all you can to support Taiwan in investigating these allegations and taking necessary action in response.
正如國務院副助理國務卿斯科斯比上個月在台灣所說的那樣,「在印度 - 太平洋地區其他地方發生民主倒退和侵犯人權的時候,台灣是其他國家的寶貴典範。考慮到我們所面臨的挑戰,台灣和美國等民主國家共同推動更加光明的未來,不受壓制,審查和剝削,這一點尤為重要。」根據國務院副助理國務卿Busby的意見,我們寫信表達我們支持反對此種性質干涉的努力,並毫不含糊地指出,我們與民主國家並肩作戰,企圖破壞其主權和自由。我們鼓勵各部門盡一切努力支持台灣調查這些指控並採取必要行動作出回應。


