

美國務院重申支持台灣 無意改變與兩岸關係 新頭殼 20180912

we don’t see it as particularly advantageous to revise a set of practices that have caused us to – that have enabled us, excuse me, to maintain close unofficial relations with Taipei and develop relations with Beijing.  Basically, short answer is this is the kind of relationship that works for us.  It doesn’t necessarily work for every other government.
記者懷疑:這件事情是the Chinese vice foreign minister came to State Department and discussed with Secretary Sullivan yesterday?

美國務院重申支持台灣 無意改變與兩岸關係    新頭殼 20180912


諾爾特(Heather Nauert)今天在國務院例行記者會上被問到此事時,重申日前的聲明,並表示這3位使節將會見政府高層,討論美國如何在中美洲與加勒比海地區,支持強健、獨立且民主的機制與經濟。




QUESTION: Hi. Can I ask you – recently you put out a statement saying the State Department called back ambassadors from Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Panama.  Could I ask, was this related to – at all to those governments cutting off ties with Taiwan?  Why did you call them back?  What did you want to discuss with them?
MS NAUERT: We made the decision to call back three ambassadors – you’re correct about that – Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and also Panama, to the United States, to Washington for consultations relating to recent decisions – and this gets to the answer of your question – decisions to no longer recognize Taiwan.  Those chiefs of mission will meet with U.S. Government leaders to talk about ways in which the United States can support strong, independent, democratic institutions and economies throughout Central America and also the Caribbean.  They’ll be in Washington through September the 14th.
And if I could just make a quick mention of something: that we see Taiwan as a democratic success story.  It is a reliable partner to the United States and a force for good in the world.  The United States will continue to support Taiwan as it seeks to expand its already significant contributions to addressing global challenges and as Taiwan resists efforts to constrain its appropriate participation on the world stage.  And I think I’ll just – I’ll leave it at –

QUESTION: Do you have any sort of concerns of China trying to influence these countries that have official ties with Taiwan?
MS NAUERT: I think we recognize overall the importance worldwide of development and infrastructure and the need to improve infrastructure all over the world, whether it’s on the African continent, in South America, you name it.  We like to emphasize to all countries that they have a sovereign right to develop on their own terms, to seek loans on their own terms that benefit those countries.  This falls into sort of the sovereignty category, that they have a right to choose that, but one thing that we certainly caution other countries around the world – we believe that those terms need to be transparent and fair.

QUESTION: Thank you very much. So on Taiwan, the United States cut official ties with Taiwan in 1979. So now, why countries like El Salvador should be punished or be warned because – to cut the official ties with Taiwan for the same reason the United States did in 1979?
MS NAUERT: I think – let me just go back to saying we have a relationship with Taiwan.  We see it – we don’t see it as particularly advantageous to revise a set of practices that have caused us to – that have enabled us, excuse me, to maintain close unofficial relations with Taipei and develop relations with Beijing.  Basically, short answer is this is the kind of relationship that works for us.  It doesn’t necessarily work for every other government.

QUESTION: Is this something that the Chinese vice foreign minister came to State Department and discussed with Secretary Sullivan yesterday?
MS NAUERT: I don’t have any readouts on that meeting now for you. Okay.
QUESTION: Heather, I need to get in two quick ones.
QUESTION: You can’t just wrap this up after half an hour. There’s been a lot going on.

3 則留言:

  1. 所以美國的一連串舉動根本是北京逼出來的,如果哪天建國成功,那北京真的是最大功勞者。

    1. 正是如此 !! J otto大, 深深有同感!

      (我曾幻想過以下光景: 20XX年X月X日 台灣獨立建國日慶典中, 新任台灣總統特頒"助台建國臥底有功"特製大勳章給幫習大大來台出席代領的中共高階代表, 以作為今後建立兩國正常外交關係之友善開端....)

      在過去的六年間, 我對世局態勢的觀點逐漸朝此方向改變, 於是求悟老頑童在過去留言中出現過與雲大的俏皮禪語對話:「...台灣到最後是靠自己"獨立"? 還是"被獨立"?....」, 前後也留下相關觀點的一堆不好笑的瘋狂"肖話"寓言! (老頑童"練肖話"時請各位大俠莫見笑)

      只是世事難料, 變數仍多, 對台灣命運仍不容樂觀, 有時候老頑童是揪著心 淚眼講笑話!

      from 楓巢求悟

  2. 現狀早已被中國改變,連自家後院都被插旗


