

中國火車上押人 桂民海二度「被失蹤」 自由 20180124

Gui Minhai, Swedish citizen, was arrested by ten plainclothes police in front of two Swedish diplomats in Shanghai without reason while he was going to the Swedish Embassy for medical examination.
How could this happen?

The answer is simple Traditionally, Beijing sees anyone who speaks Chinese languages its permanent subjects. 

According to the Nationality law of China, the Chinese nationality mainly based on jus sanguinis or the "right of blood".  "At least one of his or her parents has Chinese nationality." (Article 4).
Although, according to the Article 9 that the Chinese nationality is automatically lost due to "naturalizes as a citizen of another country (regardless of whether the naturalization is involuntary)," or "voluntarily acquires the nationality (through naturalization or registration) of another country.", the tradition is so strong that anyone who was born Chinese remain Chinese to Chinese Emperors.  Anyone who seeks the naturalization of other countries is nothing more than children leave their parents without consent.
That is a forbidden sin in Chinese Tradition.  Like North Korea, Chinese Official may kidnap any "phony foreigner" all over the world.
And the arrest of Gui Minhai is just the latest case.

最嚴重的是:The Chinese authorities have assured us on numerous occasions that Mr Gui Minhai has been free since his release having served a sentence for a traffic-related offence, and that we can have any contact we wish with our fellow citizen.

中國火車上押人 桂民海二度「被失蹤」    自由 20180124




瑞典外交部長華爾史特龍(Margot Wallstrom)表示,已召見中國大使,中方承諾將提供桂民海的最新狀況。外交部發言人尼爾森(Patric Nilsson)強調,瑞典「將透過最高政治層級採取嚴厲行動」。中國外交部則推說不了解情況。

言論自由觀察組織「美國筆會」資深主管羅培茲(Summer Lopez)表示,剝奪醫療照護是中國當局對付政治犯的手段,中國不僅綁架、監禁桂民海,還可能不讓他接受治療。英國衛報則指出,中國蠻橫對待瑞典公民,瑞典政府卻軟弱回應,已引爆瑞典社會怒氣。當地報紙「Boras Tidning」便警告,必須挺身對抗北京霸凌,「桂案最可怕之處,正是中國政府展現的傲慢」。

1 則留言:

  1. 恐怖呀!! 中共已經大尾到完全不把瑞典國家看在眼裡, 瑞典籍公民照抓 !!

    另一方面, 這或許也在於警告: 中國國內那些有辦法跑到外國拿外籍身分當"護身符", 然後再回中國繼續事業的商人和菁英分子們, 要乖一點, 一切聽黨的話, 否則連持有外國"護身符"也沒用, 保不了你們!!

    from 楓巢求悟

