

1952年甘介侯交給美方對蔣介石在行政管理上面的評價備忘錄 國家寶藏20190123


1952年甘介侯交給美方對蔣介石在行政管理上面的評價備忘錄    國家寶藏20190123

Chiang Kai-shek must be held largely responsible for the sufferings of the people on the Chinese mainland--land and property confiscation, heavy taxation and forced contributions, loss of all freedoms, arbitrary draft to serve in the armed forces, mass execution--because he was the incubator for hatching the communist cannibal.

a.  Soldiers' pay was made use of by their commanders for speculation and hauding as soon as they were received.  Usually two weeks later the same original amount was distributed among the soldiers, when the value of the money was depreciated by half.  On account of rapid inflation, the soldiers could not buy half of what they might have got for a bare existence.  They knew that their superiors accumulated enormous fortunes by manipulating their food money and they refused to fight.  Those commanders were Chiang Kai-shek's favorites and he never did anything to put a stop to this outrage.
a.  軍隊指揮官們一但收到士兵的薪水,便扣住並伺機而發。通常一樣的薪水在兩個星期以後發給士兵時,其價值已經比兩個星期前少一半。在通貨膨脹飛快的情況下,士兵無法購買原本僅可以維持基本生活物品的一半量。士兵們知道他們的長官操作他們購買食物的錢來囤積了大量的財富而拒絕作戰。這些指揮官都是蔣介石的愛將,然而他卻完全沒動作來阻止這些情況發生。

b.  In politics, Chiang Kai-ahek played off one group against another. In the armed forces, he played off the subordinates against the superiors.  Consequently a division commander did not take the order of the array commander and a brigade commander did not take the order of the division commander, unless they received the same order from Chiang Kai-shek at the same time.
He carried the doctrine of divide-and-rule to the fullest extent. At a time of great emergency, all the armed force units were overtaken by confusion and penalization, because it was physically impossible for Chiang Kai-shek, ignorant of what was happening in the front, to give orders necessary for concerted actions.  Furthermore, the feeling of animosity ran so high between the subordinates and their superiors as a result of this tragic system of setting one against the other that real cooperation was well-nigh impossible.

c.  Gold, silver and foreign currencies in the possession of the people on the mainland were forced with the threat of confiscation and death penalty to surrender to Chiang's government in exchange for the Gold Yuan notes which soon became worthless. Whatever hope the people might still have towards Chiang Kai-shek was removed by this unprecedented legalized confiscation of private property.
c.  大陸人民所持有黃金,白銀和外幣在被沒收或死刑的威脅下,被迫要繳給蔣氏政府來兌換那些很快就會變得一文不值的金圓券。無論人們對蔣介石還有任何希望期待都因為這前所未有的合法沒收私有財產而蕩然無存。

On Formosa, Chiang Kai-shek is repeating in many cases exactlywhat he did on the mainland.

a. The system of divide-and-rule has been introduced into the administration, the party and the armed forces.
a.  「分化與統治」的觀念制度被引進政府、黨和軍隊。

b.  While on the mainland the ruling group was confined to about half a dozen favorites around Chiang Kai-shek, now in Formosa, he cannot trust anybody else except his two sons.  The younger son, Chiang Wei-kuo, commands the mechanized forces.  The elder son, Chiang Ching-kuo, controls other ground forces through his political commissars who are the real commanders in army.
The commanding generals are mere figureheads.
b.  在大陸時,統治集團僅限於蔣介石身邊大約六個親信,但現在在福爾摩沙除了他的兩個兒子,他不能相信其他任何人。比較年輕的兒子蔣緯國負責指揮機械化的軍力。較年長的兒子蔣經國透過軍隊裡真正指揮官的政委們,控制地面部隊,所謂指揮將軍們僅是傀儡。

c. Chiang Ching-kuo is also head of the secret police. The secret police spies on the government officials, the merchants, the teachers, the students and, curiously enough, the other secret police.  Everybody is shadowed and no one ever feels safe.

d. Almost all civil rights are suppressed. Dr. Hu-shih, a staunch supporter of Chiang Kai-shek, admitted: "There is no freedom in the Free China, Formosa."  In fact, to criticize the government is a crime. The movement of the people is strictly controlled as in Soviet hussia.  Chinese ae not allowed to enter Formosa without special permission.  People in Formosa are not allowed to leave the island without special permission and substantial contribution to the government.

e.  Corruption and graft are now practiced on a smaller scale simply because the territory under Chiang Kai-shek's control is now much smaller.
e.  現在的貪腐和資金移轉規模之所以比較小,原因單純就是因為蔣介石所能控制的領土變得小很多。


