

Taiwan Military Academy is Fongshan, Whangpu by HoonTing

ROC Military Academy refused to revise a part of school anthem lyrics when the legislator asked it to do so.  The focus was “flying the KMT’s flag,” which was definitely not appropriate in democratic Taiwan.

Seeing the news a reader wrote to the editor “the ROC Military Academy is trying to down grade itself to war lord.”  The author explained in the article that it is Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (GIMO), not ROC, was authorized by SCAP, the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers, to establish military government over Taiwan after the end of the Pacific War.  He also concluded “once Taiwan turns out to be a party of Chinese civil war voluntarily by claiming itself an armed forces of political party, it will be downgraded to a rebellion group.”

The exile of GIMO and his followers in 1949 was merely an exile of warlord.  If the ROC Military Academy, or simply put the Fongshan Military Academy, insisted not to revise the lyrics “flying the KMT’s flag,” the whole army, and even the armed forces of Taiwan have to risk the change of status from the national forces to “a warlord.”

We may conclude that the ROC was extinct in 1949 from the telegraphs in Foreign Relations of the US (FRUS) that:
1. GIMO has transferred the presidential power to Li Tsong-jen in January 1949;
2.  ROC has extinct in April 1949;
3.  the President Li flew to the US, never come to Taiwan.

Taking the advantages of the authority of the Allied military occupation over Taiwan and military assets, GIMO’s armed force arrived in Taiwan by the help of the US Navy vessels.
GIMO resumed as a military governor on March1st, 1950.  The main task for GIMO is to reestablish the military and the administration.  The related histories that the Fongshan Military Academy dared not to mention were: how GIMO was granted the proxy military occupation authority over Taiwan and the extinct of ROC in 1949.

Indeed, it is the Fongshan Military Academy, despite it called itself “Whampoa Military Academy (WMA).”  WMA moved from Guangdon to Chendu during the second Sino-Japan war time.  However, almost all members including instructors and students surrendered to PLA in 1949.  The blood of the so-called “National Revolutionary Force” has interrupted by PLA and themslves.  And Fongshan, now a district of Kaohsiung, was an important military strategic post of Japanese Empire.  After the end of the Pacific War, the US decided to train and to establish the Taiwan new military force.  GIMO then instructed General Sun Li-jen, a Virginia Military Institute graduated general who rescued the US troop, now 75th Ranger Regiment, in Burma among others, to manage the mission.  Sun established the Taiwan Defense Command, the Army General Command, the Army Training Department and the Military Academy.  No wonder many of the units have the US-like Coat of Arms.  Since then the US forces, Gimo’s new forces and Taiwan forces have merges as Trinity in Taiwan and evolve to national forces.  Now Fongshan Military Academy wanted to reverse it to a force of warlord.

The fact that the status of Taiwan was undecided was reaffirmed again and again during the negotiation the ROC-US Mutual Defense Treaty in 1954.  On the contrary, Gimo’s authority was recognized a a legitimate authority of China by the conclusion of the treaty.  If not so, the US could not conclude a treaty of alliance with a foreign rebellion group.
The ROC, so-called “Chinese legitimate Government,” was shifted to a "de facto entity" in 1979 when the US had a diplomatic tie with Beijing.  No matter what the diplomatic tie shifted, the undecided status of Taiwan has never been altered.  Ironically, it is the undecided status that allowed the US-Japan alliance to defend Taiwan.

Any member of the rebellion group could not receive pensions from Beijing, the legitimate government.  Those who insist to connect themselves to the Chinese Civil War and WMA and protect th elyric flying the KMT flag have to reconsider the whole situation.


4 則留言:

  1. 黃埔軍校遷回ROC有效管理的金門馬祖,人員縮編,招生名額減少,但是中國民主自由前,不停止運作,留ROC一條血脈,無須趕盡殺絕。

    1. 軍校,是一定要的。


  2. ○ 台灣治理當局
    ✕ 中華民國

    TW Democracy志工 敬上

