

95歲納粹集中營前警衛 在美遭逮遣返德國! 新頭殼20180821

No country tends to extradite its citizen to other countries.

Under the principle, the US citizenship of Jakiw Palij, a Trawniki or a Central and Eastern European collaborator of NAZI, was stripped before he was deported from the US  by the federal court ruling for having "made material misrepresentations in his application for a visa to immigrate to the United States."

Palij was a stateless person when he was deported.  Was he?

Germany refused to receive the US citizen Jakiw Palij in the first place.  But could she accept a stateless person such as Jakiw Palij who committed crime? 

More importantly, did the case told us that the nationality, which was acquired by naturalization, could be denaturalized by the court decision and the one then must restore his original nationality automatically, or in this case, becoming a Polish citizen?

Only then could Germany receive the criminal of the third party?

"Seventy-two individuals who assisted in Nazi persecution have been stripped of U.S. citizenship, and 57 such persons have been removed from the United States since the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations (OSI), began operations in 1979. In addition, more than 160 individuals who sought to enter the United States in recent years have been blocked from doing so as a result of OSI's 'Watch List' program," according to the US the US Department of Justice.

There is no time of legal memory refers to the genocide, human hatred crime, or more specifically war crime, crimes against humanity, war of aggression as the Nuremberg trials demonstrated. https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2003/July/03_crm_438.htm

95歲納粹集中營前警衛 在美遭逮遣返德國!    新頭殼20180821

白宮在聲明中指出,帕利(Jakiw Palij)出生於波蘭,1949移民美國,入境時自稱是農民,隱瞞曾在納粹勞動營服務,8年後成為美國公民2001年帕利才向司法部坦承,曾於1943年在德國佔領波蘭時期的特拉維尼基(Trawniki)納粹黨衛軍訓練營(Nazi SS Training Camp)受訓。






