這是聯合國安理會為期一年的限期授權,授權給EU與其他個別國家,得以對有人口走私嫌疑船隻登船檢查(board ships for inspection)、拿捕船隻(seize vessels),以及處置船隻(dispose vessels)。授權地區為利比亞外的公海。
歐盟出動軍艦抓偷渡 聯合國准了○聯合(2015.10.11)
這項聯合國對歐盟海軍特遣艦隊的授權,並非強制歐盟必須採取行動,但的確賦予歐盟在公海展開查扣偷渡船隻的索非亞行動(Operation Sophia)更大正當性。
Security Council authorizes operations to disrupt migrant smuggling of coast of
9 October 2015 – Acting to help “save the threatened lives of migrants
or of victims of human trafficking” and to disrupt criminal enterprises
operating on the high-seas off the coast of Libya, the United Nations Security
Council today authorized for one year operations
by the European Union (EU) and individual countries
to inspect and or seize vessels of suspected
of people smuggling in the Mediterranean.
By a vote of 14 in
favour, with Venezuela abstaining, the Council adopted a resolution under
Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which authorizes the use of force, through with countries and regional organizations could board ships for inspection, seize and even dispose
of vessels suspected of being used by migrant smugglers.
The Council deplored the continuing maritime tragedies in the
Mediterranean Sea that have resulted in hundreds of casualties, and noted with
concern that such casualties were, “in some cases, the result of exploitation
and misinformation by transnational criminal
organizations which facilitated the illegal smuggling of migrants via
dangerous methods for personal gain and with callous disregard for human life.”
As such, countries, through the new resolution, are authorized to
inspect vessels on the high-seas off Libya
which they “have reasonable grounds to suspect are being used for migrant
smuggling or human trafficking from Libya,” provided “good faith efforts” are
made to obtain the consent of the vessel’s flag State.
The resolution however states that such
authorization does “not apply to vessels
entitled to sovereign immunity under international law” and applies “only in the situation of migrant smuggling and
trafficking of human beings high seas off the coast of Libya.”
Calling on Member States to help Libya, when requested, to strengthen
the means available to it to secure its borders and prevent migrant smuggling
and human trafficking, the Council also urged States, “in the spirit of
international solidarity and shared responsibility,” to
cooperate with the Libyan Government, and each other, including by sharing information about acts of smuggling and
human trafficking in Libya’s territorial sea and on the high seas off the
country’s coast.
Council members also underscored that the aim of the resolution is
intended to disrupt the organized criminal enterprises engaged in migrant
smuggling and human trafficking and prevent loss of life, “and is not intended to undermine the human rights of
individuals or prevent them from seeking protection under international human
rights law and international refugee law.”