

美國挑戰中國人造島(revised on 20150515)

The White House might approve military options including “flying Navy surveillance aircraft over the islands and sending U.S. naval ships to within 12 nautical miles of reefs that have been built up and claimed by the Chinese in an area known as the Spratly Islands.”  It is a showdown, according to WSJ.

The Liberty Times used the term “Maritime Great Wall,” which was coinedby James O. Richardson the Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet (USPACFLT).

The creation of the term “Maritime Great Wall” suggests the agitation of a cultural emotion, rather than just a pure concept of defense strategy.    Revised on 20150515
《華爾街日報》提出「最終攤牌」(showdown) 的字眼。

第六十條 專屬經濟區內的人工島嶼、設施和結構
  1. 沿海國在專屬經濟區內應有專屬權利建造並授權和管理建造、操作和使用:
60.7  人工島嶼、設施和結構及其周圍的安全地帶不得設在對使用國際航行必經的公認海道可能有干擾的地方。
60.8  人工島嶼、設施和結構不具有島嶼地位它們沒有自己的領海其存在也不影響領海、專屬經濟區或大陸架界限的劃定
Article60    Artificial islands, installations and structures in the exclusive economic zone
1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of:
(a) artificial islands;
7. Artificial islands, installations and structures and the safety zones around them may not be established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation.
8. Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.

第八十條 大陸架上的人工島嶼、設施和結構
Article80    Artificial islands, installations and structures on the continental shelf
Article 60 applies mutatis mutandis to artificial islands, installations and structures on the continental shelf.

國官員稱,美國軍方正考慮動用飛機和軍艦,對中國針對一組面積迅速擴大的人工島嶼所抱持的領土主張直接提出質疑,此舉可能加大地區內相關各方在誰控制南中國海(South China Sea, 中國稱:南海) 爭議水域的問題上最終攤牌的風險。

美國國防部長卡特(Ash Carter)已經要求下屬研究各種方案,包括命令海軍偵察機飛越這些島嶼上空以及派遣美國軍艦駛入距離這些島礁12海裡以內的水域。中方正在這些島礁上進行建設,並已宣佈擁有這些島礁的主權。這些島礁屬於被稱為斯普拉特利群島(Spratly Islands, 中國稱:南沙群島)的地區。




根據美國估計,中國已將南沙群島區域內的人工島嶼面積擴大至2,000英畝,去年為500英畝。上個月,國防情報提供商《IHS簡氏防務週刊》(IHS Jane's Defence Weekly) 提供的衛星圖像顯示,中國已開始在其中一個島上建造飛機跑道,看上去足夠容納戰鬥機和偵察機。


U.S. Military Proposes Challenge to China Sea ClaimsWSJ (2015.05.13)
The U.S. military is considering using aircraft and Navy ships to directly contest Chinese territorial claims to a chain of rapidly expanding artificial islands, U.S. officials said, in a move that would raise the stakes in a regional showdown over who controls disputed waters in the South China Sea.  As the WSJ’s Adam Entous, Gordon Lubold and Julian E. Barnes report:

Defense Secretary Ash Carter has asked his staff to look at options that include flying Navy surveillance aircraft over the islands and sending U.S. naval ships to within 12 nautical miles of reefs that have been built up and claimed by the Chinese in an area known as the Spratly Islands.
Such moves, if approved by the White House, would be designed to send a message to Beijing that the U.S. won’t accede to Chinese territorial claims to the man-made islands in what the U.S. considers to be international waters and airspace.
The Pentagon’s calculation may be that the military planning, and any possible deployments, would increase pressure on the Chinese to make concessions over the artificial islands.  But Beijing also could double down, expanding construction in defiance of the U.S. and potentially taking steps to further Chinese claims in the area.
The U.S. has said it doesn’t recognize the man-made islands as sovereign Chinese territory.  Nonetheless, military officials said, the Navy has so far not sent military aircraft or ships within 12 nautical miles of the reclaimed reefs to avoid escalating tensions.
If the U.S. challenges China’s claims using ships or naval vessels and Beijing stands its ground, the result could escalate tensions in the region, with increasing pressure on both sides to flex military muscle in the disputed waters.
According to U.S. estimates, China hasexpanded the artificial islands in the Spratly chain to as much as 2,000 acres of land, up from 500 acres last year.  Last month, satellite imagery from defense intelligence provider IHS Jane’s showed China has begun building an airstrip on one of the islands, which appears to be large enough to accommodate fighter jets and surveillance aircraft.

中國譴責美軍方擬向南海派遣軍艦和軍機的計劃○WSJ (2015.05.13)
國軍方正考慮向南中國海(South China Sea, 中國稱南海)爭議島嶼附近派遣飛機和軍艦,以此挑戰中國在該地區的領土主張。對於美國軍方擬議中的上述計劃,中國政府週三進行了強烈譴責。




3 則留言:

  1. 米國這時放出美中海軍在南海相遇的照片,應該是故意的,介入南海的起手式? http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/face-chinas-navy-stalks-us-ship-south-china-sea-12882

  2. Sorry, 我認為您引用條文不對
    S60 前題是在eez內
    S80 的前題是大陸架

  3. In addition, i don‘t like ur title either.
    Imho, the proper title would be 中國人工島挑戰國際海洋法

