

20180922 Hay, they are still oppressing the Muslims and the Tibetan Buddhists

It is a provisional agreement, the Vatican said. 
For the Holy See, it might be a significant step forward; yet for Beijing, the Communist and the extreme Nationalist regime, the agreement is nothing more than a play and a gesture. 
The evidence is simple and clear: Beijing never stops oppressing the Muslims and the Tibetan Buddhists.
The Holy See is going to entrust its pastoral object to the one who does not believe in God or any spiritual existence.

聖座與中華人民共和國就主教任命問題簽署臨時性協議    Vatican News 20180922






Statement by Card. Parolin
on the signing of the Provisional Agreement
between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China
concerning the nomination of Bishops

The signing of a Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China concerning the appointment of Bishops is of great importance, especially for the life of the Church in China, for the dialogue between the Holy See and the Authorities of that country and for the promotion of a horizon of peace in this present time in which we experience so many tensions at the international level.

The objective of the Holy See is a pastoral one: the Holy See intends just to create the condition, or help to create the condition, of a greater freedom, autonomy and organization, in order that the Catholic Church can dedicate itself to the mission of announcing the Gospel and also to contribute to the well-being and to the spiritual and material prosperity and harmony of the country, of every person and of the world as a whole.

And today, for the first time all the Bishops in China are in communion with the Bishop of Rome, with the Successor of Peter. And Pope Francis, like his immediate Predecessors, looks with particular care to the Chinese People. What is required now is unity, is trust and a new impetus; to have good Pastors, recognized by the Successor of Peter – by the Pope – and by the legitimate civil Authorities.  And we believe – we hope, we hope – that the Agreement will be an instrument for these objectives, for these aims, with the cooperation of all.
今天,所有中國主教首次與羅馬主教和彼得的接班人交往。與他的直系前任一樣,教宗方濟各特別關心中國人民。現在需要的是團結,信任和新的動力;擁有良好的牧師,由彼得的繼承人 - 教宗 - 以及合法的民事當局承認。我們相信 - 我們希望,我們希望 - 在所有人的合作下,此協定將成為實現這些目標的工具。

To the Catholic Community in China – the Bishops, priests, religious and faithful – the Pope entrusts, above all, the commitment to make concrete fraternal gestures of reconciliation among themselves, and so to overcome past misunderstandings, past tensions, even the recent ones. In this way they can really contribute, and they will be able to perform the duty of the Church which is the announcement of the Gospel and, at the same time, to contribute to the growth, the spiritual and material growth, of their country and to peace and reconciliation in the world.
對於中國的天主教共同體 - 主教,神父,宗教和信徒 - 教皇首先委託承諾在他們自己之間做出具體的兄弟般的和解姿態,從而克服過去的誤解,過去的緊張局勢,甚至是最近的緊張局勢。透過這種方式,他們可以真正做出貢獻,並且他們將能夠履行教會的職責,這是福音的宣布,同時也有助於他們國家的成長,精神和物質的成長,世界和平與和解。

2 則留言:

  1. 這一張劇照引用得很好,勸不懂的人找[教會]這部電影來體會之.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oag1Dfa1e_E

